Do you take any of your own kitchen gear when vacationing?

Lynne Guinne

23 Mar 2017
Local time
9:21 PM
New England
Once a year, we spend a week in a timeshare - basically a one-bedroom apartment. While the kitchen is adequately stocked, I do take my Wusthof chef knife and Zwilling Pro paring knife with me. I've even been know to take my scone pans along with my own pre-made kits for the batches of scones I will bake there.

I also take my knives when we visit our kids during the year, along with seasonings and spices I might need for dishes I might prepare. She has a lot of the basics, and a couple of other uncommon seasonings, but I'll be danged if I go out to buy something that is duplicating something I have on hand at home. Cheap, I am.

Do you haul anything, or nothing, when you travel?
We do not travel to spend a week in a time share or some one ´s flat that we do not know ..

We stay in hotels .. So, we do not take knives or anyother kitchen ítems.

When we go out on the boat, we stop in Ports of Call, and yes, there are knives in the kitchen of the boat, to shuck oysters and clams and clean the prawns that we net or purchase at Ports or along the coasts .. However, the boat is for weekend getaways only ..
I'll take my knives and one or two otherhand items if I know the place in going to.
I'll always take my knives and a knife sharpener if I don't know where in going to (even abroad). We always wrap the knives in tea towels so I guess we always take those as well. And we'll always take our garlic crusher and a box of herbs and spices.

Sometimes we have been known to take a seive until the year we forgot, so we bought the place one.. Next time around we were the only guests there for that week but in a bigger cottage so had to ask for the key to get the seive... The next time we stayed or friends had purchased every cottage a seive
We no longer stay in cabins/holiday cottages, but when we did then I'd take herbs and spices with me - no point buying duplicates of what we already had. I didn't take things like knives or other implements - we just made do with whatever was there.

Now we have the motorhome we do take our own stuff ;-) Some things were duplicates I already had in the kitchen, others we had from previous camping trips, and some things I had to go out and buy (I enjoyed that bit!). With regards to herbs and spices - I keep basic ones in there and replenish as and when needed either at home or abroad.
My travel luggage can be described as minimalist. I work on the basis of what I would need for, say, a week, then divide by two. I can't remember the last time I went anywhere with anything other than a single item of hand luggage.

About the only kitchen utensil I might consider is a bottle opener.
About the only kitchen utensil I might consider is a bottle opener.
I agree....that's an essential bit of kit!
I've kept a waiters friend in my makeup bag for the last 20 years....some people think its a little odd when they see it in there, but over the years it's guaranteed that I've never been caught without :okay:
I've never taken any kitchen gear with me when staying in holiday cottages etc. Most of my holidays have been in hotels or staying with friends. My more recent holidays have been spent at my daughter's, and I always ask if she needs anything. The answer is usually no, because her kitchen is a lot bigger and better stocked than mine. I do, however, take the occasional cake or home-made jams etc, and sometimes get a request for some roast duck, lamb, beef or bacon.....:laugh:
Edibles are always welcome in my house, @Elawin! We never turn food down.

The glove compartment in my car (the one we use for travel) always has two necessities: a travel corkscrew and a sheathed knife. We're always prepared for a cheese-and-wine stop anywhere.

Usually when we travel we stop at the hotel or my father-in-law house in Roma, we never bring anything from home, ever.
This summer we went in Umbria and booked in a couple of apartments where there was already everything available. Perhaps the only thing I bring from my kitchen is coffee, but like equipment or something I would say nothing.
When I plan on doing any food prep or cooking at my Sisters' homes I bring my chef knife, wood cutting board (they use synthetic boards), sea salt, pepper grinder and any herbs and spices other than the most basic.

I do the same when we go to the fishing camp. I do keep sea salt, a pepper mill and my brand of EVOO at the camp. I do not leave a wood cutting board or chef knife at the camp. Step Son and his family and their guest frequently use the camp when we are not there. I would not leave a good knife or wood cutting board for them to use. That crew would not take proper care.
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