Favorite food when you are ill


16 Nov 2014
Local time
11:46 AM
Washington, USA
What is your favorite food to eat when you are sick? For me it has to be beef Raman noodles with Sriracha sauce. It is hot and clears out your sinuses very well.
Depends what kind of illness. Generally I turn to comfort food. But for a cold, you can't beat chilli peppers!
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Generally if I am unwell then I go off food, if I have a cold then it doesn't matter what I eat or drink because I cannot smell or taste.
I love having chicken soup for most illness. They could not point out what exactly it is but most people I know would love a chicken soup when they are sick. No wonder there were books made out of the idea of having a chicken soup
Soup and more soup. Fish soup, chicken soup or vegetable soup. No heavy soup that you eat with dumplings and all that wonderful stuff. That's for when you are well. The ones I mentioned are from the 'sick soup' menu.
I usually prefer fluids, fruit juice, rehydrates, anything bitter like lime can make my day. Before taking anything, make sure that a shower takes basics.
When I am sick, it is soup and crackers particularly when I have flu. Chicken soup is one but the best soup is the macaroni soup that my husband would usually prepare. Its main ingredients are chicken meat and pork belly - both cut into small pieces, sauteed with garlic and onions and fried in margarine and flavored with fish sauce. The macaroni is boiled in the broth of the chicken and pork before mixing it withe sauteed meat ingredients. It is normally served with buttered toast of crackers.
Whenever I have a cold or flu type thing, my go-to favorite is always chicken soup. It's comforting and just makes me feel better. If it's a nausea thing it's hard to really stomach much - crackers and ginger ale all the way! When I have migraines all I want is chocolate and caffeine - they tend to help alleviate my migraine symptoms!
Whenever I am sick I don't feel much like eating anything but I do force myself to eat something.
My go to thing is usually homemade Chicken Soup. My fiance makes awesome homemade soup
so he will make up a batch and then it is there whenever I need it. Sometimes we make it up ahead
of time and keep it in the freezer so that we have it on hand, especially through the winter months
because that us when we tend to get sick most often.

There is just something comforting about a nice hot bowl of soup when you are not feeling well.
Whenever Im sick I look for chicken porridge or chicken soup. I like it with lots of ginger. Because ginger has healing benefits. I also cook them for my kids if they have colds or fever. I think it really helps in their recovery.
I male a very tasty chicken soup and usually make my own chicken broth to go in it. If I am making homemade soup I like to splurge and buy the fresh noodles in the freezer section of the store. I tried to make noodles a couple of times, but they did not turn out very good.
When I'm sick I often lose my appetite completely, and end up subsisting on chicken broth and toast for the duration.
I like coconut water for when I'm feeling under the weather too, especially if I'm having stomach upset.
As soon as I'm over my sickness though, I always crave wor wonton soup.
For me it's the perfect transition food between being sick and not wanting to eat anything, and being healthy and ready to make up for lost meals!
My family's go to food when someone is sick is chicken soup. I always make the broth from scratch - chicken bones which I've saved and frozen from deboning chicken breasts, celery, carrots, onion, garlic, pepper corns, ginger. Sometimes all I serve is the broth or I'll add chicken, some vegetables and noodles. Always makes you feel better. The hot soup always feels nice on a sore throat.
rice in chicken consommè, maybe with some little poteto dices :)
and of course with a lot of grated parmigiano reggiano..
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