Food processor and/or pestle and mortar?


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
5:45 AM
[Mod.edit: this and a whole series of following posts have been moved from another thread to form a new topic (MG)]

My mortar and pestle ...



Everyone should be blessed to have one of these.
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That's not lazy. That's thinking strategically. There are so many things I simply cannot do anymore. I even have to rely on an electric can opener when my hands say "no way am I doing that". ;-)
That's very polite of you to say. I promise you, it's me being lazy :woot:

Also to avoid a mess. If I used a mortar and pestle, there would be smashed pistachio debris all over my kitchen!
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There is no reason to apologize for physical limitations. I have many. I use whatever gadget I have to facilitate slicing, dicing, chopping, mincing. I love my Micro Plane. I use it daily. My Japanese Chef Knife is my pride and joy and my savior.
Sorry for the giggle, but I am a lazy cook, LOL. I use a small food processor. I know, I know...

Are you able to make nut flours with that processor?

A Pistachio Nut Flour would have a certain flavor that might allow it to be used both as a flour and as a sort of spice.
Are you able to make nut flours with that processor?

A Pistachio Nut Flour would have a certain flavor that might allow it to be used both as a flour and as a sort of spice.
Yes, I have made almond flour in it before. I had already thought a pistachio pie crust would be interesting.
Are you able to make nut flours with that processor?

A Pistachio Nut Flour would have a certain flavor that might allow it to be used both as a flour and as a sort of spice.
If you don't own a food processor, you should get one. Big time-saver !
My first one was a little Black n Decker I got at a yard sale for $5. I still use it, but I bought a bigger one a few years ago, also Black n Decker. Both still work great.
I have heard that Breville makes a nice, fancy one that has all kinds of features. Mine work for what I want it to do. I pretty much only want a rough chop or a smooth puree. I like to use it to make nut butter, sauces, and pesto (in the summer) mostly, but I used it recently to make deviled eggs. I bought that little one already used and have had it for about 15 years, still going strong. The bigger one I have had for about 10 years, same thing. If it ain't broke no need to get a new one, LOL.
I have heard that Breville makes a nice, fancy one that has all kinds of features. Mine work for what I want it to do. I pretty much only want a rough chop or a smooth puree. I like to use it to make nut butter, sauces, and pesto (in the summer) mostly, but I used it recently to make deviled eggs. I bought that little one already used and have had it for about 15 years, still going strong. The bigger one I have had for about 10 years, same thing. If it ain't broke no need to get a new one, LOL.

I recall your Deviled Eggs recipe. I just boiled may last four Eggs and plan on making something I will call Bedeviled Eggs. 😈
My m & p is very small. I should get a bigger one, as I use it fairly frequently:



You can see I still have some salt-and-sage mixture left over from my Christmas Day roast potatoes.

As far as food processors go...I've mentioned this before, but I had a Cuisinart for 25+ years. Loved it. Very simple operation, one switch; up for on, down for pulse. It was especially good at working doughs, and I used it for that more than anything else.

The bowl eventually cracked and leaked and it was so old, no replacements to be found. I ended up buying a new Kitchen Aid FP...should be renamed Kitchen Aid POS (piece of sh...). I sent it back in exchange for a new one, same issues as the other one. Now I use it waiting for it to burn itself out so I can get a better one. 😠
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