Fried Bread


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
4:46 AM
SE Australia
Does anyone else every get the occasional craving for it? I did this morning after another widespread frost and half an hour of wood chopping out in minus figures... Breakfast wasn't my usual healthy homemade soya yoghurt, red berries and Weet-bix. Instead I had 2 rounds of wholemeal fried bread, 2 fried eggs and 2 (whole) baby fried courgettes... Sadly we had no tomatoes or mushrooms available and I didn't even have any vegan sausages to hand...

When was the last time you had fried bread?
Did you make it yourself or was it as part of a meal out?
Does it have to be white bread or can it be brown or wholemeal?
Brown bread breaks too easy and doesn't taste right.

White or wholemeal, eaten on its own whilst the next are cooking.
Last time eaten, second week in January this year.
Brown bread breaks too easy and doesn't taste right.

White or wholemeal, eaten on its own whilst the next are cooking.
Last time eaten, second week in January this year.

I agree that brown doesn't work. Nor does granary - the seeds are just wrong in fried bread.

That is a very precise fried bread memory you have @classic33 ! :happy:
I don't allow myself to eat it - I can't remember the last time I had fried bread! I don't crave fat laden things very much at all these days... I love to cook it though! So if you had asked when I last cooked it I would have said 'last week'.
I don't crave fat laden things very much at all these days
Neither do I normally. Usually I crave sugar but for some reason this morning it was fried bread and fried eggs. It maybe that it was because I had already done 2 hours work before breakfast.

The last time I had fried bread might, just might, have been 18 months or so ago when we went down to Penzance to see one of my husband's work friends (his ex work wife!). We were staying at a vegan B&B and knew we had a very long day ahead of us with a Penzance to Warrington drive in it as well as seeing his friend around midday.. So we didn't skimp on breakfast full well knowing that lunch and evening meal were going to be eaten at service stations and that meant very little for someone allergic to dairy. Breakfast that day included a wonderful apple and cinnamon porridge, a cooked breakfast and plenty of toast and coffee (separately, I'll add). I think we also had yoghurt
Usually have a slice once a week with saturday breakfast [weekly full English :hungry:]. We have also found a way of [ok only slightly] decreasing the fat levels. Initially fry in a pan but then transfer to the grill [I did say only slightly better] Some of the fat drips off but you still get that 'fried bread' taste.
PS - right about granary / brown bread being no good. Fried bread is NOT healthy anyway so no use wasting time on such things. Plain white bread [and possibly slightly dry] works best.
I couldn't tell you the last time I had fried bread, but I do know it wasn't recently, and I've only eaten it two or three times since 2005! .....rushes out into the kitchen to make fried bread :laugh:
OK, so, what is fried bread vs frybread.

Is it just a slice of regular bread fried in some kind of oil/fat?

I can easily see frying thick slices of a sturdy bread in bacon fat, or lamb fat, or lard.
OK, so, what is fried bread vs frybread.

Is it just a slice of regular bread fried in some kind of oil/fat?

I can easily see frying thick slices of a sturdy bread in bacon fat, or lamb fat, or lard.

Yes. its a regular slice of bread fried in fat (sometimes the fat left from frying bacon). Its traditionally eaten as part of the full English breakfast.
Like this:

Not had any for a few years now. Used to fry it in the bacon fat as @morning glory says. A few years ago we got into a habit of going for a full English at a local garden center on a Saturday morning. The whole breakfast was legendary, particularly the fried bread. I think they deep fried it.

No point in trying to make it healthy using anything but thick cut white processed bread! Regardless of which side of the fat vs. carbs debate you are on it is never going to be a healthy breakfast choice. Best just get on and enjoy it as an occasional sin!
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