Garlic unleashed.

utopia beach

Über Member
11 Oct 2016
Local time
5:34 AM
Kent UK
Some years ago I realized that garlic was one of my favourite flavours. I really liked it raw in salads, especially tomato salad with basil and olive oil. It occurred to me that putting garlic into food was sometimes not very good if the garlic went in at the beginning of the cooking process. I started to insert the garlic chopped or squeezed at the end of the cooking process. It seemed to make more sense to me. Am I just insensitive to the joys of cooked garlic?
I love garlic and to me at first having a dish without it was odd. I can easily lick my fingers after crushing raw garlic and I have no issues in understanding how the Roman soldiers reportedly ate raw garlic and were given a blub of it a day was it?

To me that recipe mentioned by @morning glory was odd at first. There was an original series of recipes from a cookbook called "Mango Soup" which is absolutely excellent though it takes me a long time to work out some of the ingredients because a lot of the time the Indian name is used and I have to look each and every one up (until I started writing it alongside the recipe that is). A surprising number of original authentic recipes don't feature garlic or ginger which stunned me, so I started to experiment and whilst garlic still features hugely in my cooking, there are a surprising number of dishes that I don't now add either to! Which reminds me, I need to go and plant some more garlic out. It really grows strongly here in SE Australia.
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