German Food

Our nearest Lidl occasionally has German weeks and then sell packs of Spätzle, but I agree they aren't a patch on home made ones. A new Lidl store is being built near where I live; maybe they will have some in there.
This is one of the packs I bought back with me from Germany - can't remember if it was bought in Aldi or Lidl:

I can't believe they actually make dried spatzle since it's so easy to make. I don't see how it could be that much of a time saver.
It definitely saves time...just open the packet and throw it in boiling water, but there's a compromise on taste and texture.

I've made Spätzle with a potato ricer and one of the flat Spätzle makers - but even using the largest option my potato ricer's holes were a bit too small. I did once try making the firmer version that you make on a chopping board (this is the type I remember my penfriend's mother making), but it didn't go all just ran off the board, there was nothing to "chop". I suspect I used a runny Spätzle recipe instead of a firm one :oops:
I'm sure those dried ones have to cook longer than fresh, just like pasta, which negates the time saving. Might be labor saving, but it's a pretty simple, few ingredients recipe in that you measure, mix, then in the boiling water for a couple of minutes. I'll also bet the dried ones are more expensive.

Wow, I've never seen a spatzle mixture that would just run off the board. Ooze slowly at worst, but not runny. I could probably do the board thing with my usual mixture, but the holes in the slide box are about 3/8 inch so they make big enough noodles for us.
I'm sure those dried ones have to cook longer than fresh, just like pasta, which negates the time saving. Might be labor saving, but it's a pretty simple, few ingredients recipe in that you measure, mix, then in the boiling water for a couple of minutes. I'll also bet the dried ones are more expensive.

Wow, I've never seen a spatzle mixture that would just run off the board. Ooze slowly at worst, but not runny. I could probably do the board thing with my usual mixture, but the holes in the slide box are about 3/8 inch so they make big enough noodles for us.
Some of the online recipes for Spätzle are pretty suspect, and appear as though they will turn out to be either not much thicker than a pancake batter or far too stiff, at least for a slide box. The first time I made some just using a board, the mix was slightly runnier than I would have preferred, but it turned out OK. The only problem was using the cutter when your fingers can't grip too well.
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