How long will canned coconut milk keep after being opened?


Forum GOD!
12 May 2020
Local time
9:29 PM
Northeast Ohio
So about 2 weeks ago I opened up a can of coconut milk but didn't use the whole can. I poured the remainder of the coconut milk in a glass jar, sealed it tightly and put it in my refrigerator. Online sources state it will last about 7-10 days, but I am hoping it lasts longer. It still looks and smells fine. What's the longest any of you have kept canned coconut milk after opening? How do I know if it's gone bad? Thanks in advance.
Your nose knows. Basically if it still looks pretty white and smells fresh and of coconuts then it's probably ok and taking a taste if it's sour it's off. Of course there's always the adage of, when in doubt, throw it out. Plus coconut milk is pretty cheap.
Yeah, I know it's not terribly expensive, I just hate waste. Thanks for the advice, I greatly appreciate it!
Your nose knows. Basically if it still looks pretty white and smells fresh and of coconuts then it's probably ok and taking a taste if it's sour it's off. Of course there's always the adage of, when in doubt, throw it out. Plus coconut milk is pretty cheap.
I hadn't seen this previously sorry.

Some of the tricks I have learnt over the years are to 1 buy coconut cream, not milk and use less it's cheaper in the long run, why pay for the water? (the brand I get, water is literally the only difference between the two)
And 2 buy the biggest tin/can.

Too avoid waste, I'll then decant into smaller containers with a lid into volumes I normally use such as 100ml and freeze it. It doesn't need to be defrosted to be used because normally I'm putting it into something hot anyway. I have dedicated coloured small containers that are about 150ml in volume that are freezer proof (cost about the same as 1 can of coconut cream) .
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