How many of you use knife gloves?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
8:57 PM
Brighton, MA.
I plan to get a pair. Not that I'm accident prone, but you never know when the blade might slip the wrong way & you end up cutting yourself!
Only knife i have ever cut myself with is an exacto knife while working in the studio so i feel fairly confident not needing something like that in the kitchen.
Knife Gloves.jpg

This is what they look like. :wink:
I sometimes do also. but it's also nice to know that there is always that extra margin of safety. It's better to have them & not need them, than to need them & not have them :wink:
I really don't know how it would be possible to grip and onion, for example, whilst chopping wearing those gloves.
Only the one is required.

Advice is not to use one on hand holding the knife as the knife can't be held securely. If the glove allows you to hold the knife, with no movement, chances are they'll also let the blade through in use.
I use a stainless glove when cutting conveyor belting, that's my job, you can cut yourself very badly when using force. The last one I bought was around $250
In my kitchen I never use gloves, I like to feel what I'm cutting. I'm just a bit careful. Couldn't tell you the last time I cut myself. I have grated fingers though, and that hurts.

Only the one is required.

Advice is not to use one on hand holding the knife as the knife can't be held securely. If the glove allows you to hold the knife, with no movement, chances are they'll also let the blade through in use.

I think that they come in sets of 2 though.:wink:
I think that they come in sets of 2 though.:wink:
They're not light in use, if you get one that's able to withstand a knife slipping. Kevlar ones are available, a bit more flexible & lighter than the one pictured.

Most supplied in pairs are cut resistant, not cut proof. You'd have fewer worries picking the knife up by the blade, but would it stop a knife that slipped?

You also have the problem of cross-contamination as they are not the easiest things to clean.
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