How much water do you drink?

I'm currently drinking 50-70 ounces of water plus 20'ish ounces of black coffee. I feel like I'm peeing twice an hour :(
I'm currently drinking 50-70 ounces of water plus 20'ish ounces of black coffee. I feel like I'm peeing twice an hour :(

I read a suggestion on a local forum here that in order to save water during our current severe drought one should have a pee whilst showering.

I pointed out that if I took a shower every time I took a pee, we would have run out of water 6 weeks go.
I read a suggestion on a local forum here that in order to save water during our current severe drought one should have a pee whilst showering.

I pointed out that if I took a shower every time I took a pee, we would have run out of water 6 weeks go.
aussies have a saying with respect to fulling the toilet.

If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down.

being on a private water supply and literally only having what is in that tank (22,000L when full), we rarely flush (no 1's) unless you can smell it/them!
aussies have a saying with respect to fulling the toilet.

If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down.

being on a private water supply and literally only having what is in that tank (22,000L when full), we rarely flush (no 1's) unless you can smell it/them!

I watched a programme on sky about Aussie inventions, the flush toilet with half flush to conserve water. Since then I have started only flushing no1 after about every 6 flushes, then only half flush. The doco was amazing, it made me think about water. My carbon footprint is quite big compared to yours. I must try harder.

I watched a programme on sky about Aussie inventions, the flush toilet with half flush to conserve water. Since then I have started only flushing no1 after about every 6 flushes, then only half flush. The doco was amazing, it made me think about water. My carbon footprint is quite big compared to yours. I must try harder.

yeah - pretty much every toilet has the split flush option. on top of that new ones also have a 'timed' flush option which is basically the longer you hold the flush down the more it flushes, so you let go once it is clear. if you let go too early, I have found it doesn't always clear all of the toilet paper and sometimes the water is still a vague yellow colour as well. It takes practice!
We use very little water compared to most. The tap is never on unless water is needed. so it doesn't get turned on when we wash our teeth - you don't need water on the brush or in your mouth prior to washing your teeth, a dry brush is fine. You actually shouldn't be rinsing your mouth out with water after washing your teeth either - just spit and a quick rinse of the sink if your aim is off! we started that one a long time ago - I've lived off limited water supplies most of my life.

we stand in a large flexitub when we shower. all water is caught in the bucket which allows you to soak your feet and shows you how much you are using. Normally we only use 1.5 buckets for a shower. Ideally, and it was easier in our last house, this water is then used on the plants outside. It's only soap so it is hardly a problem. Any water caught waiting for hot water to get to the kitchen sink, is also used to water plants - it takes roughly 1-2 wash basins full to get hot water which is ridiculous given that the water tank is in the room next to the kitchen - what its route is is anyone's guess. But all of that water goes to plants. Hot water is often left in the kitchen bowl until cold because it is used again if extra items are found and then once cold, you guessed it, it goes to the garden. Cold water in the kitchen bowl is also used for washing hands in during the day. wet your hands in semi dirty water, soap and then clean off in same water and quick rinse in fresh water - it limits how much is used for hand washing and certainly no running of water when it is not needed.

The washing machine only goes on when it is full. So usually only 2 loads a week. Both are always full loads and the washing machine was purchased with water economy in mind. It uses 62L in eco mode (not a mode I often use mind you but...)

you get the idea. We learnt to live off 10L of water a day between us when we were living on the road. We literally had what we carried on the bikes, so water economy was always at the front of your mind.
Not enough, I have a Berkey now. I think the water from the Berkey tastes better than bottled water. I have heard, drink enough water and you lose cravings for soda pop and snacks. Yet to try this... need too.
2 litres to 2.5 litres because I have a medical condition that makes me dehydrate quickly. It's easy to manage as long as I keep an eye on it.
Years ago I gave a sample to a nurse, which was deep yellow.
As she was carrying it away, she was looking at it and laughingly remarked "Ooh...con-cen-tra-ted!

Since then, I became aware of drinking more plain water, which also helps cut down on the acidity in my stomach.
Though soda and beer etc. do have water, they are also acidic, which doesn't bother some, but it does me, because it adds up with all the other acidic foods I consume.

I've read on various sites that one should drink half their body weight in ounces of water per day.
Sometimes when I slack off, I mark my bottled waters with a magic marker...1-2-3, so I am conscious of that goal.

After all is said and done, I do go by the color at each bathroom visit, keeping it as closest to white as I can throughout the day.
Lots. My colon has been removed so that means I absorb less liquids and I have meds that can be bad for your kidneys

Recommended for most people is 1.5 litres a day but I drink 2.5 litres a day.
I have a lot of ice in my drinks at night. My big glass is chocka full of Ice then rum then coke. By the time I drink it the ice has melted to 1/3 full, so then I top up again, then repeat. So I prolly drink water via ice maybe 1 to 2 litres per day. I don't drink water, not even filtered from the fridge. I sometimes drink beer as well. Like now, it was 33 deg c here, I'm under the air con. Along with my daughters dog.

Here's my drink I had last night, I took a pic so I could post it today.


I still only drink one mugful of plain water a week and even though it is filtered, boiled and cooled it still makes my feel quite sick but at least it doesn't make my throat swell up like tap water does.
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