Is all rice bad?


17 Mar 2015
Local time
10:26 PM
... from a "healthy eating" point of view? I keep on reading everywhere how rice is evil, carb content is outrageously high (even in brown rice) and should be avoided like the plague (a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the point).

I've always loved rice and I do treat myself to it occasionally, but I have to admit I do feel rather bloated after eating it and it's most certainly not the best food for, say, weight loss. I guess there are some alternatives you can use instead of rice (quinoa), but is rice really that bad? And if I can eat/cook it from time to time, which type of rice would be the best - white, brown or something else?
I have never felt bloated after eating rice and I don't buy into the all carbs are bad. If we listened to everything we were told about food, there really would be nothing left to eat.

One thing that is clear is that brown rice is better for you than white rice because the fibre has been left on the grain and most people don't have enough fibre in their diet. The fibre stops the body absorbing all of the carbs in one 'hit', so the sugars in the carbs are released into the body much more slowly which is better for you. We also eat a lot of red and black rice as well which is really nice and nutty.
From what I can tell, the longer a grain takes to cook, the more fibre it has, so it is harder for the body to digest, so the sugars are released into the body much more slowly and the better it is for you.
No, rice is not bad. Eating too large a portion of carbohydrates is bad, but that applies to all of them. I eat rice every day, but I don't eat it alone. Usually it is paired with beans and vegetables and I add either coconut or hemp oil for a healthy fat. If you are concerned, just reduce your portion a little bit. I personally eat what would be called a reduced carb diet, higher in fat, but those are healthy fats.
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Rice is a staple food where I live and I eat it on a regular basis. I have never heard that it is bad for you though. It is true that it is a starchy food, but I have heard some positive things about it as well.. For instance, I have read that rice has a calming effect on the nerves and is also a good mood booster.

Brown rice which contains a higher amount of fiber than its white counterpart, has been my favourite for many years, even though I would still eat the white one on occasion. While I do not think that any rice is bad for you, the brown one is known to contain more nutrients and is also better for those who are diabetic or those who want to prevent developing the disease.
I love rice. I do not feel full without it. Some say that rice do not have nutrition except for carbs. So all it does is give you calories. I agree that it is chock full of carbs but it is the only food that makes me feel fuller longer.

We do have a variant wherein the brown rice and white rice are mixed in a pack. Though brown rice is the healthier alternative, it just cannot beat the taste of white rice for me. So this is my solution so I still get the flavor of white rice even if it is mixed with the brown rice.
Rice isn't bad it's what you eat with it ,there are loads of western disorders that are proven not to exist with the rice rich diets of some eastern cultures
When we were young, our grade school teacher would warn us about beri-beri, a disease caused by too much rice in the diet. The effect on the child is malnutrition that results in a big tummy but slender body. However, that disease can happen if the child is eating ONLY rice and no other dish. That is the essence of a balanced meal - rice and dish of meat, fish or vegetable or seafood.
I am such a rice lover I often hope the critics are all wrong. I don't really a good breakfast and often say I don't understand how people can have dinner type breakfast. but if I had to I could eat rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am waiting for scientist ( the men and women in white coats) to come and let us know that we can eat it just that way all day long and that there is no 'beri- beri' that will cause us to be buried before our time.
Rice isn't bad, my goodness. We Asians eat it all the time and we're pretty thin by international standards! Remember we eat it everyday. The secret here is to just eat up to being 80% full don't go over that number or else you'll gain some fat. Brown rice is better if you want more fiber in your meals and it's something people who try to lose weight eat.
I think it's mainly due to lazy food writers looking to attract attention to their blogs/sites by writing "scary" articles about why you shouldn't eat this or that, based on their armchair "expertise" on the subject. Many of these writers consider themselves self-made "guru's" about nutrition and health, when more than likely they have never really received any formal training in such, nor do they have any credentials in the field. The low carb paranoia is still causing some people to superficially trash any food items which list higher carb counts on the nutritional labels, without understanding the bigger picture of someone's diet.

Rice may be high in carbs, but it also fills you up quickly. I tend to get full on rice long before I go overboard with eating too large of a portion of it. Same thing happens to me with polenta, which is also high in carbs - I can barely finish a small bowl of it anyhow, because it feels like my stomach is filled with cement.
HornDemon, I think we shall steer clear of all who want to demonize rice. I have to confess that if it's bad for you, I am in a very bad way because I can eat it morning, noon and night. Because I too have seen the conversation that suggest it's not too healthy, every time I cook it which is quite often I do wonder if I should hold off of it but somehow I don't. If anyone can find evidence to confirm it is bad for you, please call and save me.
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