Recipe Lemon Velvet Cake


Über Member
7 Dec 2015
Local time
12:50 AM
Lemon Velvet Cake recipe


Ingredients :

1¼ cups sifted all purpose flour
1½ cups sifted cake flour
½ teaspoon baking soda
1½ tsp baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1½ cups sugar
⅔ cup vegetable oil
⅓ cup vegetable shortening at room temperature
1 tsp good quality vanilla extract
2 tsp pure lemon extract
3 large eggs
1½ cups buttermilk
zest of two small or one large lemons, grated and finely chopped

Instructions :

Grease and flour 2 nine inch round cake pans and line the bottom with 2 circles of parchment paper. Sift together both flours, baking soda. baking powder, salt and sugar, Set aside.
In the bowl of an electric mixer beat together the vegetable oil, shortening, vanilla and lemon extract. Beat well at high speed with whisk attachment until light and fluffy
Beat the eggs in one at a time.
Fold in the lemon zest.
Fold in the dry ingredients alternately with the buttermilk.
I always add dry ingredients in three divisions and liquid ingredients in 2 divisions. It is very important to begin and end the additions with the dry ingredients. Do not over mix the batter. As soon as it has no lumps in the batter, pour into the two prepared 9 inch cake pans.
Bake at 325 degrees F for 30-35 minutes or until a wooden toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Allow the cake to cool in the pans for 10 minutes before turning out onto wire racks to cool completely.
FOR THE FROSTING: mix together the icing sugar, lemon zest and butter until it becomes sort of crumbly.
Add the lemon extract and a little of the milk.
Beat until smooth and fluffy, adding only enough milk to bring the frosting to a creamy spreadable consistency.
Fill and frost the cake. Garnish with candied lemon zest if desired.
To make candied lemon zest, remove the zest with a sharp vegetable peeler in long strips, avoiding as much of the white pith as possible.
Bring one cup of water and one cup of sugar to a slow boil.
Add the pieces of lemon zest and boil for about 15 minutes. Drain the lemon zest on a wire rack.
When cool, cut them in strips and roll in fine sugar.
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Sounds delicious. Have you made this @josephkabbaj? I think you left out the ingredients list for the frosting:

  • 8 cups icing sugar (powdered sugar)
  • 2 cups unsalted butter
  • 1 tsp pure lemon extract
  • 1 tsp minced lemon zest (optional)
  • aproximately 4 tbsp milk
Recipe is from
This cake looks like my kind of cake. I like anything with a lemon flavour. This would go well as a side cake for a Christmas dessert. From the looks of it, I think it would be delicious. It is amazing how many different varieties of cakes one can experiment with.
That does look very good. I had a terrible experience with lemon cake when I was a teen though. My mother made one once, and I was vomiting all night. I am not sure if it was the cake...or if I had the flu or something, but I kept picturing the cake in my mind as I got sick, so I haven't cared much for lemon cake since that time. I will only occasionally take a small slice...and I don;t think I would ever make one...but it does look delish!!
This looks amazing. My kids love lemon anything. I'm am going to have to try this recipe. We get a lemon cake from Costco with a nice icing on top and it never lasts long in the house. A home made lemon cake will be a hit. Thanks for the recipe. I might even serve it with Christmas dinner.
This cake looks devine. Anything lemon is my favorite dessert. The rest of my family don't care for lemon so I don't make anything lemon too often unless I want it all myself. I am thinking this cake is something I would enjoy. Drooling here. :)
This cake looks devine. Anything lemon is my favorite dessert. The rest of my family don't care for lemon so I don't make anything lemon too often unless I want it all myself. I am thinking this cake is something I would enjoy. Drooling here. :)

I'm big on lemon desserts husband hates lemon desserts with a passion, though! I figure it's a case of all the more for me, right? :laugh:
Yummy and I can just guess, a bit sour, isn't it? I am not sure my boyfriend would like to eat a cake made of lemon, since he hates lemons, but I might make it without telling him about the ingredients and just see how he takes it.
I personally love lemons, and this cakes seems to delicious.
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