Mexican restaurant chain Wahaca closes 9 London restaurants after suspected Norovirus outbreak


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
8:58 AM
SE Australia
The Mexican restaurant chain Wahaca has been forced to close several branches after more than 350 customers and staff fell ill with suspected norovirus.

Norovirus, which which causes diarrhoea and vomiting, is one of the most common stomach bugs and, while it is more common in winter, can be caught at any time of the year. It can be very unpleasant but usually clears up by itself in a few days.
The odd thing about this is that it happened in various branches. The virus is transmitted by close contact with affected persons or by eating food that has been prepared by someone with the virus who hasn't taken hygiene precautions. So.... how did that happen in 9 separate restaurants? The only thing I can think of is that all 9 restaurants used a product which was already contaminated before it got to the restaurants.
The odd thing about this is that it happened in various branches. The virus is transmitted by close contact with affected persons or by eating food that has been prepared by someone with the virus who hasn't taken hygiene precautions. So.... how did that happen in 9 separate restaurants? The only thing I can think of is that all 9 restaurants used a product which was already contaminated before it got to the restaurants.
Or that person visited all nine. Not uncommon in food deliveries.
So.... how did that happen in 9 separate restaurants?
More likely a staff member. It is not uncommon when someone is ill or more than 1 ill from the same restaurant for staff to be moved to another to cover. If that staff member was already infected, just feeling a touch unwell or infected and not yet showing symptoms (so same day) they would easily transfer it between staff members in a high risk environment that is really busy. You only have to guess the rest. Also a senior person is responsible for covering more than 1 restaurant and could easily visit 3 or 4 in a day without knowing they were ill or just feeling under the weather. They may not go down with it, but pass it on to staff at the restaurants they have visited and those staff members go down with in to a greater degree.
Plus as Classic33 points out, delivery drivers, couriers even the postman can all spread it.
I certainly don't think anything was contaminated before hand. This is why the NHS have that campaign about it every winter because once it gets into a hospital it spreads through all of the wards very, very quickly and it has been known for entire hospitals to be closed down to new patients and all visitors except to those on the point of dying (I know this because it has happened in our family).

Here in Australia, even if you only have a mild cough, in a doctor's surgery you are expected to sanitise your hands and wear a mask that the surgery provide. You are expect to sit a minimum of 1m away from everyone else. I have had people start at me because I have coughed without a mask on and had to explain that I have a condition that is not transmissible and is a lung complaint that causes mucus to build up in my lungs and that it is not contagious. I have watched patients look at the receptionist and her at me waiting for me to allow her to confirm what I am saying!

And if you have flu or diarrhoea don't go there with what is expect of you...
Bring back brass door handles. Proven to kill virus like this one and the MRSA one.

Things like have been on the increase since aluminium/alloy door decor became the normal materials used.
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