Nut Prices Going Up?


14 Oct 2012
Local time
7:10 AM
Salisbury Uk
I've just received a email regards nut prices going up due to poor harvest due to the weather , any one else heard any thing?
I've just received a email regards nut prices going up due to poor harvest due to the weather , any one else heard any thing?
I had heard rumours about complete crop failures in Turkey last year of hazelnuts. That would affect the price this year.
I haven't noticed the price of cashews going up yet. I've just purchased another 5kg bag (£35... that is up from last year by £8 but my supplier for the others has gone into receivership and I have had to find another one and ended up with Suma cashew nut pieces. so I can cope with the £8 which includes free P&P where as the other one didn't.)

I think there were issues with almonds as well in the states, but I'm not certain on that front. But the Turkey and hazelnuts I am pretty certain on. Turkey produces something like 90% of the worlds hazelnuts... google nutella prices to go up... I think it was an article on chocolate spread!
  • Beaking News: Prices on Hazelnuts and Almonds set to sky rocket due to poor harvests.

    Extract from the warning trade email Thursday morning ,so the Turkish rumour may be the source
Blimey, what do you do with all those hazelnuts?
me and the 5kg cashew nuts?

Lots of things being allergic to dairy.
I make cashew nut cheese which even my step-father likes!
I use soaked blended/liquidized cashew nuts as a cream replacement in any recipe saying cream. Lemon juice added makes it a sour cream or crème fraiche replacement.
I make a wonderful chocolate cheesecake from it
We often add them to meals such as stews or soups about 15 mins before the end and they add some extra protein to the meal.

I can go on, but 5kg lasts about 3 months if we are careful. They are much cheaper purchased in bulk. If I buy them in my local supermarket it is £4.99 for 400g. If I buy a 5kg bag, it costs about £35 or there abouts (If I hunted around and went with the absolute cheapest I could find I could get that down to around £30 but the difference in taste is quite surprising). So from my local supermarket purchased as needed 5kg would come it at around £63 or so... or I can buy in bulk. It would be a lot cheaper if I purchased a 25kg bag but it would take me about 12 months to get through that many!
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