Recipe Pasta with Bacon, Broad Beans and Sage

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
5:12 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Have you noticed, the current ingredient for The CookingBites Recipe Challenge is pasta? We are looking for your entries! I've been trying out lots of ideas but I've discovered that its actually quite difficult to make pasta dishes look original... so I turned to the garden and edible flowers. I was going to put sage into this dish anyway and my sage plant (more of a bush!) is in flower. Here is the result:


Photographed today in natural light
Penne pasta (75g per person)
Tin of chopped tomatoes
1 x chopped onion
1 x Tbsp oil
A squirt of tomato puree
1 tbsp chopped garlic
1/2 glass of red wine (optional)
Frozen or fresh broad beans (1 x cup per person)
Streaky bacon (4 rashers per person)
Chopped sage leaves (1/2 tbsp per person) - if using dried sage use 1x tsp per person
Parmesan cheese to garnish
Sage flowers (optional)

First make a basic tomato sauce.
  • Cook the onion gently in oil until softened and then add garlic.
  • Fry for a few minutes. If using the wine splash it in now, turn up the heat and allow the alcohol to boil off and the liquid to reduce
  • Add the tin of chopped tomatoes, tomato puree and sage and leave to simmer gently and thicken for 20 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Now for the rest:
  • Cook the pasta in boiling salted water until done.
  • Meanwhile grill (broil) or fry bacon until crispy and chop into chunks.
  • Cook the broad beans in boiling water until tender (if using frozen, which I did, then this only takes minutes).*
  • Add the beans, bacon and drained pasta to the tomato sauce and mix gently.
  • Grate parmesan over the top and garnish with sage flowers.
*At this point I slipped the broad beans out of their skins. A rather time consuming but therapeutic process. I wouldn't normally do this as I quite like the skin but I knew that the brighter green of the inner bean would look better when photographed.

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