Processed meat scare


14 Nov 2012
Local time
6:40 PM
Durham NE. England
Another bit of scaremongering from the men in white coats - processed meat is almost as dangerous as smoking etc etc [here in the UK this one, not sure if they've gone global yet].
IMHO it's time these people had to go out and earn a living instead of coming up with new panic stories every few weeks.
The report of WHO (World Health Organization) that canned meat is not good for the health should not be taken at face value. Pardon me for being stubborn but my grandparents and parents have lived with the corned beef and canned sardines. That percentage of developing cancer by eating canned goods is not accurate or should I say NOT CONCLUSIVE. Just like the ills of smoking cigarettes, they cannot present solid proof that it causes cancer simply because some smokers don't get cancer. Same with the canned goods, eat and you will live.
I feel like these days everything is a carcinogen - I wonder if it has more to do with the method of cooking than it does with the actual product themselves. A lot of people I know like to really char their meat (charcoal-esque!) and I've heard of that being a carcinogen.

Regardless, I'm not worrying myself too much about it!
I don't know what will be put out next. I think it will soon be dangerous to inhale and exhale. I really don't like to know much about what the latest research reveals. It's too scary.
I don't know what will be put out next. I think it will soon be dangerous to inhale and exhale. I really don't like to know much about what the latest research reveals. It's too scary.
That came up a few years ago! You must have missed it.
I don't know what will be put out next. I think it will soon be dangerous to inhale and exhale. I really don't like to know much about what the latest research reveals. It's too scary.
It already is apparently! In Japan the surgical mask is a common accessory:

The report of WHO (World Health Organization) that canned meat is not good for the health should not be taken at face value. Pardon me for being stubborn but my grandparents and parents have lived with the corned beef and canned sardines. That percentage of developing cancer by eating canned goods is not accurate or should I say NOT CONCLUSIVE. Just like the ills of smoking cigarettes, they cannot present solid proof that it causes cancer simply because some smokers don't get cancer. Same with the canned goods, eat and you will live.
+1 for that - however they all seem to have missed the obvious one and of course the one we must be aware of --- Birth - statistically it always leads to death.
I heard about this on the news the other day and feel that it is a stretch comparing it to smoking cigarettes. People have eaten red meat for centuries and I think this is just another way to scare consumers. They said that pretty much all pork products and red meat should be eaten in extreme moderation. My family has eaten red meat for generations and I have not seen many cancer cases coming as a result of it. The WHO says that you are not supposed to have more than 3 servings of red meat per week.
There is always something to scare people. Everybody dies and they just try to come up with every reason why. It is inevitable. We can't live forever but I do think that it is s huge stretching comparing processed meat to smoking cigarettes. I guess these researchers have to earn their living somehow but a lot of time I am left just shaking my head.
We have this scare as well and they are specific for sausages, hotdogs, and bacon. It seems like every other day something new pops up as bad for us. We all know that everything in moderation shouldn't harm us. It's true that there are items that are more harmful than others but if you are a wise shopper then you shouldn't even run into them.
There is always something to scare people. Everybody dies and they just try to come up with every reason why. It is inevitable. We can't live forever but I do think that it is s huge stretching comparing processed meat to smoking cigarettes. I guess these researchers have to earn their living somehow but a lot of time I am left just shaking my head.

You gave me a good laugh although I agree with you. We all die anyway so why be scared. And speaking of smoking, I sometimes wonder why the medical people would time and again proclaim that cigarette smoking is hazardous to health but they fail to put up a conclusive declaration of the ill effects. Even the statistics are not 100% so how can they be sure? Do you remember that pork is bad as per those health buffs? But my 102 year old grandpa is still eating pork until now.
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