Quiz: White stuff

Shimeji, Scallop Squash, Cottage Cheese/ Potassium 2%

Currants?, Chinese Plum?, Heart(s) Of Palm,

Pineberry, Scallops, - - - ?
How many can you name (some easy ones and one that looks like something that it isn't!)

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Ok. Based on my vast knowledge (and theft of other peoples knowledge) and pure guesswork, my final list is as follows.

top left coconut.
middle still don't know.
top right cottage cheese.

middle left white currants (which I grow)
middle middle lychee
middle right, I'll settle for leek. Heart of palm is solid white and that isn't.

Bottom left white strawberry
bottom middle I'll go with scallop
and bottom right I'll stick with white crab meat.
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