Quiz: White stuff

Ok. Based on my vast knowledge (and theft of other peoples knowledge) and pure guesswork, my final list is as follows.

top left coconut.
middle still don't know.
top right cottage cheese.

middle left white currants (which I grow)
middle middle lychee
middle right, I'll settle for leek. Heart of palm is solid white and that isn't.

Bottom left white strawberry
bottom middle I'll go with scallop
and bottom right I'll stick with white crab meat.

Final answer? You have more right than wrong...
Classic33, what's going on with the blank spaces??? I expect you to be at the top of the class. I was hoping to copy from you this time around. I thought I had a few ideas but those things don't seem to have reached us here in the Caribbean. I was confident the first one was coconut flakes but I am seeing all kinds of answers. I pass. I don't how Morning Glory got mixed up with this kind of challenge..'Classic' case of following a 'multitude' to do evil to the members.
Classic33, what's going on with the blank spaces??? I expect you to be at the top of the class. I was hoping to copy from you this time around. I thought I had a few ideas but those things don't seem to have reached us here in the Caribbean. I was confident the first one was coconut flakes but I am seeing all kinds of answers. I pass. I don't how Morning Glory got mixed up with this kind of challenge..'Classic' case of following a 'multitude' to do evil to the members.
There's only one blank space! See the page two, posted earlier this morning.
Shimeji, Scallop Squash, Cottage Cheese/ Potassium 2%

Currants?, Chinese Plum?, Heart(s) Of Palm,

Pineberry, Scallops, - - - ?
Shimeji, Scallop Squash, Cottage Cheese/ Potassium 2%

Albino Currants, Chinese Plum?, Heart(s) Of Palm,

Pineberry, Scallops, Chicken,

Shops at Tesco's
I prefer black to white. To these eyes, and palate, I would not eat nay of that stuff. (with possible exception of top left). Bottom left could look pretty as a decoration on strawberry parfait or similar. Top right looks revolting and should not be published on a public forum!!!
A clear demonstration, if nothing else, of the diveristy of the food we eat.
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