Sandwich meat


16 Nov 2014
Local time
12:07 PM
Washington, USA
What is your favorite kind of sandwich meat? I used to buy a whole bunch of the cheap national brand meat because I have to make about 4 lunches everyday, but since the kids are on spring break, I decided to purchase some more expensive deli meat and smoked gouda to go with it. I am hooked as the sandwiches taste so much better. What about you?
I have issues with sodium and nitrites so don't really eat lunch meat anymore. but for you deli meat and smoked gouda... how about a panini with just a touch of deli mustard (Dijon, spicy brown etc) YUM!! sammie to the next level!
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I also have issues with sodium and nitres and can not eat lunch meat, I wonder if there are a lot of people like us. Can you eat sweet potatoes/ My sandwiches are tuna fish, fresh chicken or turkey and peanut butter and jelly.
I also have issues with sodium and nitres and can not eat lunch meat, I wonder if there are a lot of people like us. Can you eat sweet potatoes/ My sandwiches are tuna fish, fresh chicken or turkey and peanut butter and jelly.
Not sure where you are. But if you are in the states Costco has a couple lunch meats that are lower in sodium, no nitrites and no nitrates. Not too bad either. I can have those occasionally
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I think ham or turkey/chicken is my favourite - with English hot mustard or Indian pickles. I've got beyond the stage of worrying about salt or nitrates! But generally I prefer the taste of home-cooked meats. I often roast a ham or chicken and use the left overs for sandwich meat.
I usually make a rotisserie chicken or a turkey breast. I did find a recipe recently of someone who homesteads and makes their own chicken bologna kind of thing and I plan to test it out. So we will see. I like ham too. In fact it is my favorite, and I much prefer ordering my shoulder ham specially and baking that up with some yummy maple syrup.
Not sure where you are. But if you are in the states Costco has a couple lunch meats that are lower in sodium, no nitrites and no nitrates. Not too bad either. I can have those occasionally

Thanks for the heads up on Costco, I will check them out.
I always enjoy thin sliced roast beef and ham. It is hard to beat them in the taste, and flavor department. I have some sliced gouda right now, that I got pre packaged, It is something different. I have been eating it on veggie burgers. I have some sandwich meat from Costco right now, but I am not sure it is still good. I haven't been eating much of it.
Good ham [or strangely corned beef] and any decent cheese + a little pickle and tomato in a french baguette [ MUST be very fresh] - magic ! :hungry:
PS I also like jam and peanut butter too
Good ham [or strangely corned beef] and any decent cheese + a little pickle and tomato in a french baguette [ MUST be very fresh] - magic ! :hungry:
PS I also like jam and peanut butter too

Strangely enough, I'm not a beef fan, but I do enjoy a good corned beef sandwich. Reuben panini's are awesome especially with some quality sauerkraut. Gotta have that with some thousand island dressing and rye too.
I don't buy a lot of sandwich meat because of the salt content and I have issues with my blood pressure so I try to avoid it. When I do have it I enjoy turkey or chicken.
Not sure where you are. But if you are in the states Costco has a couple lunch meats that are lower in sodium, no nitrites and no nitrates. Not too bad either. I can have those occasionally

I have purchased deli meat from Costco before and I really do not like the flavor of their turkey deli meat. The ham is good and I purchase that sometimes. The packages are so big that I have to split them into halves or thirds and freeze the rest to use at a later date so that it does not go bad. I have not really stopped to think about the amount of salt that can be found in lunchmeat, but you all raise a good point there!
My go to sandwich meat is turkey or chicken. I prefer the left overs of those to make sandwiches but since we don't roast turkeys or chickens every week then I make due with sliced deli meat. I don't usually put much in my sandwiches, a bit of mustard and maybe some cheese but only if I have something like smoked gooda or provolone to go with it. Sometimes I'll put a bit of bbq sauce, it's better for you than tons of mayonnaise that's for sure. It's what I ask for if I go to Subway, instead of mayonnaise I put bbq sauce on my sandwiches there.
Chicken and turkey ham are my favourite. And then there is tuna which I absolutely love.
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