Recipe Spicy Vegan Melon Soup


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
8:00 PM
SE Australia
I've been struggling to come up with anything for the latest CookingBites recipe challenge tbh. And whilst looking around for something different to do with melons came across various soup recipes lots of which involved ham and scallops or crab meat, none of which I eat. I will have to confess to not having tried this recipe, it's just not the right time of year in the UK for melons to be at their best and by the time they are, I'll have left the UK for a while... But it sounds interesting and I reckon that a few alterations would easily making it both vegan and tasty without changing it radically.

I have stated honeydew or cantaloupe melon, but to be honest I think any will do really provided it is sweet and you can deseed and skin it. Watermelon won't work well I don't think because of the deseeding issues. Also there is no reason as to why you can't use soya yoghurt, almond yoghurt, the new combined almond and coconut yoghurt etc. And if you wanted you could use ordinary plain yoghurt instead to make a dairy version of it.

The recipe is based on this one ( but made to suit my needs.

1 ripe melon - honeydew or cantaloupe
1 cup of coconut yoghurt or vanilla coconut yoghurt (this is the vegan, made with coconut stuff).
2 green chilli peppers (variety to your tastes, can sub out red if you want hotter)
almond milk or coconut drink to thin as necessary (not tinned coconut milk unless you want the calories!)

  1. Skin the melon, cut it in half, deseed it and then chop into smaller chunks
  2. Chop the stalks of the chillies and if you want deseed them. It's up to you on how spicy you want the soup!
  3. Put everything except the milk in a liquidiser and blend until smooth.
  4. Add milk as needed to achieve the desired thickness, season as required.
I think you could use watermelon if you liquidise it first and then sieve (I did this recently for another recipe). Then add it to the other ingredients. I'm assuming this is a cold soup? It sounds almost as if its a smoothie, in fact. I note that the original contains breadcrumbs, which I must admit doesn't sound very good to me!
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