Sticking to a grocery list versus compulsive buying

3 Jul 2014
Local time
12:13 PM
Do you always make out a grocery list when you go shopping, knowing what you intend to buy and how much you intend to spend, and then you see an item which you had not planned to buy, but which ends up in your basket just out of compulsion? I know this happens to some if not most of us.

More often than not I tend to stick to the items which are on my grocery list, but there are times that I would see an item or items that I want to try which are not on the list, and if I think I have the extra cash, I decide to place it in my basket. I do not do this as often nowadays though. The prices of some items force me to stick to my list. I may even end up crossing off something from the list if I think I can do without it.
If a list is made then I'll stick with the list, item wise, quantity may increase if items are on offer & there's every chance I'd be buying the same item again.
Twice a week compulsive cook !and once a fortnight big shop with a picture of the chalk board in the kitchen
once a fortnight box of fruit and veg
Twice a week compulsive cook !and once a fortnight big shop with a picture of the chalk board in the kitchen
once a fortnight box of fruit and veg
You actually take a picture of your kitchen black board to the supermarket! I'm impressed.

I used to stick to lists quite rigidly. I shop predominantly on-line. Brilliant delivery service here in the UK. But my new strategy is to have fun and be creative (see Are you stuck in a cooking routine?). I have been randomly impulse buying fresh vegetables (whatever is in season) and then a few staple meats or fish without knowing what I'm going to create. I do stick to a list for basics which are going to run out, like onions, tinned tomatoes, milk. Lately, I've been adding items to my orders based on some recipes posted here! Guinness seems to be featuring a lot. :D
You actually take a picture of your kitchen black board to the supermarket! I'm impressed.

Lately, I've been adding items to my orders based on some recipes posted here! Guinness seems to be featuring a lot. :D
Easier than taking the chalkboard!
I'm not to blame for other peoples poor control over their shopping habits.
I always make a list but I either forget it at home or I never stick with it. I always end up buying way more then I have on the list or I change my mind when I get to the grocery store. Lists never work well for me.
I make a list which I almost always forget at home, but the list is in my mind and that helps to keep me from forgetting why I went to the store in the first place.
I'll use a list if I am shopping overseas. It help me greatly. I have not been shopping a lot at home. My husband does most of that these days. The odds times I shop, I often leave without the very thing I went for. A list makes good sense. I don't know what not using one says about me.
I'll use a list if I am shopping overseas. It help me greatly. I have not been shopping a lot at home. My husband does most of that these days. The odds times I shop, I often leave without the very thing I went for. A list makes good sense. I don't know what not using one says about me.
Good to know you got him well trained up! But when you say overseas, where do you mean? My geography is bad. Do you mean you go over to to America?
Good to know you got him well trained up! But when you say overseas, where do you mean? My geography is bad. Do you mean you go over to to America?
So here is a part of my short story. I am in retail clothing (or used to be until I found a job posting at cooking bites) and it would take me to mostly Miami to shop from time to time. My business shopping aside, I would pack a barrel of household stuff and post home on many of those trips. I would mostly shop for things that were very expensive at home and to be honest, even though I did not always enjoy the hustle of it all I knew my husband looked forward to it. Actually I don't think I have him well d trained up at all these days.............Anyway, I am off to take care of my dogs who soon I should prepare a list for.
So here is a part of my short story. I am in retail clothing (or used to be until I found a job posting at cooking bites)

Brilliant! :roflmao:

and it would take me to mostly Miami to shop from time to time. My business shopping aside, I would pack a barrel of household stuff and post home on many of those trips. I would mostly shop for things that were very expensive at home and to be honest, even though I did not always enjoy the hustle of it all I knew my husband looked forward to it. Actually I don't think I have him well d trained up at all these days.............Anyway, I am off to take care of my dogs who soon I should prepare a list for.

OK I get it now. Business trips. Don't mention DOGs to me. I have a new puppy who I will call DOG. And I'm being driven mad. DOG tired has taken on a whole new meaning for me. :hyper::sleep:

I feed DOG on dried pellets which come in a sack (all nutrients included), so no need for a list. Maybe I need some of those pellets.
Just this morning after having breakfast, we were compiling the grocery list that we would buy for today. Like others who are trying to be practical with expenses, we make a list and even review it. When in the grocery, we first try to complete the items in the list before checking on the sale rack. I admit that we usually take some items on sale although not always because sometimes those extra items would ruin our budget and it's not really a good habit.
This is a very nice topic and I must admit when it comes to spending I am very meticulous because I always value the money we are earning from our hard work. And it just happened that I am an Accountant that is why I always budget and audit our daily expenses. That is why I may say that I always stick to my grocery list all the time. I even like to compare prices of items that are not too expensive but with good quality. Every payday there is already an amount allocated for our food, electric and water bills, car gasoline, insurance premiums and other miscellaneous expenses. And we see to it that 20 percent of our income will be kept for our savings. That is why I should not be a compulsive buyer because I have to spend wisely.
I do not make a list of the daily essentials I need in the kitchen. Somehow I know which ones need to be replenished by the time I hit the store. I go out everyday and the grocery is part of the itinerary so I do not worry about missing some items.
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