The CookingBites Recipe Challenge: Nov 2015-June 2017

Its judgement time! We had 7 entries in all and every single one of them was good! @SatNavSaysStraightOn 's Perfect Scottish Tattie Scone, what is not to like? @Cinisajoy 's scalloped potatoes, a perfect classic recipe, @Yorky 's Slow Roasted Paprika Potatoes, tried and tested by two of us - delicious! @MypinchofItaly 's Fried potatoes skins, an all time favourite!

In the end I shortlisted three recipes:
@Elawin's Vegan Bamieh (Middle Eastern Vegetable Stew) (comforting and spicy)
@MypinchofItaly 's Homemade gnocchi stuffed with Blue Stilton cheese (original)
@Ken Natton 's Pork and Black Pudding Patty on a Chive Potato Cake with Mustard Sauce (perfect brunch)

I am declaring @Ken Natton 's Pork and Black Pudding Patty on a Chive Potato Cake with Mustard Sauce. I just so wanted to eat it! Congratulations Ken! :woot:

So its over to you, Ken, to choose the next ingredient for the challenge and set a deadline (normally 2 weeks). All ingredients chosen before are in the thread starting post. It doesn't really matter if you choose something which has gone before, so long as it isn't too recent.

Well goodness me, @morning glory , thank you very much. I will certainly be trying at least two of the other recipes. As someone with Scottish heritage I must confess myself a little ashamed that I wasn’t aware of the Scottish Tattie Scone until @SatNavSaysStraightOn brought it to my attention. I certainly intend to make some for all of my family at some soon forthcoming breakfast. And @MypinchofItaly's Gnocchi with Blue Stilton I shall definitely try though, ironically enough @MypinchofItaly , when I do, I might try it with Gorgonzola.

So, having previously thought about what I would nominate if given the chance and just checked that it has not been nominated recently, I am going to nominate mushroom. I was a little concerned about what people might be able to come up with when @morning glory nominated potato, and I was genuinely surprised by the range of people’s ideas. I hope mushrooms offer similar scope and I am genuinely fascinated to see what people come up with.

A fortnight ahead would be 23rd May. Can I give everyone an extra day and nominate Midday UK time Wednesday 24th May 2017 as the deadline? It just somehow seems good to me.

Mod Edit: I've highlighted the ingredient and deadline.
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Well goodness me, @morning glory , thank you very much. I will certainly be trying at least two of the other recipes. As someone with Scottish heritage I must confess myself a little ashamed that I wasn’t aware of the Scottish Tattie Scone until @SatNavSaysStraightOn brought it to my attention. I certainly intend to make some for all of my family at some soon forthcoming breakfast. And @MypinchofItaly's Gnocchi with Blue Stilton I shall definitely try though, ironically enough @MypinchofItaly , when I do, I might try it with Gorgonzola.

So, having previously thought about what I would nominate if given the chance and just checked that it has not been nominated recently, I am going to nominate mushroom. I was a little concerned about what people might be able to come up with when @morning glory nominated potato, and I was genuinely surprised by the range of people’s ideas. I hope mushrooms offer similar scope and I am genuinely fascinated to see what people come up with.

A fortnight ahead would be 23rd May. Can I give everyone an extra day and nominate Wednesday 24th as the deadline? It just somehow seems good to me.

No problem, Wednesday 24th May at midday it shall be. And mushrooms are a good choice with lots of possibilities. :D
Mighty Matcha Morning Smoothie With Banana & Almond
@Ken Natton Congrats... Mushrooms are one of my favourites, if a little on the expensive side here in Australia. Is it fair to assume that this covers all types of edible fungi?

Absolutely, 100%. Fascinated to see what you have in mind. Sorry, I didn't realise mushrooms were expensive in Australia. I don't know if there are any edible, foragable varieties in Australia.

Okay, interesting point. I see no particular reason to disqualify truffles per se. However, there is a purely practical consideration, apart from cost, that may discourage using them. The recipe challenge judge has never had them and is thus in no position to appreciate the quality of your recipe so centrally based upon them.
Okay, interesting point. I see no particular reason to disqualify truffles per se. However, there is a purely practical consideration, apart from cost, that may discourage using them. The recipe challenge judge has never had them and is thus in no position to appreciate the quality of your recipe so centrally based upon them.

:laugh: You need to try them then. I know they are expensive...

I was just suggesting one fungi which came to mind which isn't mushrooms. Quorn also comes to mind but I think that would be stretching it. @SatNavSaysStraightOn will have to enlighten us as to more fungi which aren't mushrooms.
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All Mushrooms are fungi but not all fungi are mushrooms...
And not all mushrooms are edible, but some fungi are edible... now work that one out!

I'll start an new thread on it... it is more a biological distinction!

I'll add the link here in a few minutes
And an important one
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