The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I'm just watching the chooks trying to chase a crimson rosella out of the chook house. they go in there, the rosellas, to eat the chook food (sadly). It is however most entertaining watching them try to defend their food. perhaps when there are more than 2 of the chooks, they will succeed.
Apropos of nothing that has gone before on this thread, we have just booked a trip on a steam train. I am not a train buff or anything like that, although I am fascinated by how the railway changed Britain in the 19th century. Besides that, it seemed like a pleasant diversion for a Sunday afternoon.
Every now and again I hear a steam train go passed on the 'local' railway line. Australia has surprisingly few railways, but we are actually 'on' one that runs between 2 major cities!

And it seems that my pullet came of age last night and is now a hen. Sadly she laid from the roosting perch and gravity did the rest! Odd given that she spent the day investigating the nesting boxes and sitting in them (which she has increasingly been doing). Hopefully it will be better luck next time!
A little of the new wildlife in our garden - well new to me anyhow.


Was hoping to get some gardening done this afternoon but it has gone a bit dull. We have some bulbs for the front garden that I would like to plant ready for next spring.
Didn't get any bulbs planted because my other half went out and bought a chainsaw so we tackled a few tree stumps, still a few to go but a bit at a time.
This evening we had a meal at an Italian restaurant Casa Romana :hungry: second time we have been there, a small unassuming place but they let the food speak for itself.
Bloody chooks. Been worried about them having stopped laying. At least the chook rather than the pullet. Went under the house this morning to see what it was they were doing under there all the time... 4 brown eggs and 2 blue eggs... Guess have 2 chooks... Went to put 1 of each into nesting boxes on chook house only to find another blue egg in the new nesting boxes!
Apropos of nothing that has gone before on this thread, we have just booked a trip on a steam train. I am not a train buff or anything like that, although I am fascinated by how the railway changed Britain in the 19th century. Besides that, it seemed like a pleasant diversion for a Sunday afternoon.

Bit of a train buff myself and that sounds like great fun. A few years ago my husband paid for me to drive a steam train, it was a fab day out, I was a bit mucky by the end of it-shovelling coal but it was really good.
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