The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Yesterday I was discussing computer systems with a contact and she said that their company system was set up in 1982, I commented that I was still at school then, she replied that she hadn't even been born, yeah thanks for making me sound like an old git :laugh:,
I was at work :facepalm:

I have been steadily clearing the top of our garden but last night became aware that we had a hedgehog there so I shall be taking time to find a suitable des res so that we are not evicting our neighbour.
We have decided to build a house for our resident hedgehog, we have the bits to do it but we just need to sort out the place to out it once assembled.
I would like to take a day off work this week when it is cooler so that I can get cracking in the garden, thing is next Monday our new accountant/my new boss starts with us so there will be too much happening in preparation.
We have just watched the film Florence Foster Jenkins, it made me cry, I cried when we watched it at the cinema, a truly lovely film.
Which kind? Green or Greater or Lesser Spotted?
Sorry. Not a 'birdy' person - the entire bird population is classified as either 1 - seed eating dick dicks 2 - aquatic dick dicks [includes the sea going variety] or 3 - enormous scary meat eating dick dicks. Looking it up it had the red crest and it was quite small so I'm going for the lesser spotted variety.
Sorry. Not a 'birdy' person - the entire bird population is classified as either 1 - seed eating dick dicks 2 - aquatic dick dicks [includes the sea going variety] or 3 - enormous scary meat eating dick dicks. Looking it up it had the red crest and it was quite small so I'm going for the lesser spotted variety.


Well its easy to tell. They are very different. Was it green with a red cap or was it black and white with red bits?

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Great-spotted woodpeckers are something of a misnomer, being roughly the size of a starling. 'Lesser' are even smaller and pretty rare in the UK. Great-spotted is more likely, I'd say.

A curious occurrence this morning while walking home with some shopping. No less than five pound coins lying about on the pavement and in the gutter, all within a small radius. I can only assume that some drunk had a balance problem last night.
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