Who does the most cleaning up in your kitchen?

21 Oct 2014
Local time
5:47 PM
That would have to be me. I cook the most and clean the most. I wish there was someone cleaning behind me every time I cooked. That would make my experiences in the kitchen much more enjoyable. I try most times to clean as I go along. As I am almost always rushing, things don't always go well, but I at least hide things to give the appearance everything is relatively neat.(especially when I have guest). A messy kitchen can be a big turn off.

Truthfully, speaking my husband has been helping out with the cleaning more these days. There was a time I thought it would never happen. My son on the other hand, is a sporadic helper. I am still glad I am not completely "help-less".
I am the one who does the majority of the clean up as well. My husband will sometimes wipe everything down on his day off or something, but cooking clean up is generally my job even if I was not the one who was doing the cooking. I usually do not mind though because I do a more thorough job when cleaning.
I'm the one who cooks, but I'm not the one who does the dishes, but I am the one who wipes down the work surfaces, but not the one who cleans the had rings, but I'm the one who does the floor...

To sum it up, we share but have specific roles due to my slight paralysis down my left side which means coating something it soap and expecting me to be able to hold onto it usually results in gravity taking over and unless it is plastic or metal, it breaks.
My boyfriend does pretty much all of it because he is a saint. I take out the trash most of the time, though!
My boyfriend does pretty much all of it because he is a saint. I take out the trash most of the time, though!

I need to place an add for a guy like that. There are three of us and I do 2/3 of the work. I am quick to say my husband has come a long, long way though. There was a time I thought I would never see him wash a dish. But he grew up and sometimes he's pretty good. My son; well he's another story. He has a long way to go.
I don't mind washing up as I like to know it's been done correctly. Even when guests rinse their cups, I still check! The only time I hated washing up is when people don't stack the plates correctly and remove any excess food as it creates more work. Fortunately my dad likes to wash up, but I've had flat mates who were bad at it so I like to keep on top of things and never go to sleep with any washing up outstanding.
That would have to be me. I cook the most and clean the most. I wish there was someone cleaning behind me every time I cooked. That would make my experiences in the kitchen much more enjoyable. I try most times to clean as I go along. As I am almost always rushing, things don't always go well, but I at least hide things to give the appearance everything is relatively neat.(especially when I have guest). A messy kitchen can be a big turn off.

Truthfully, speaking my husband has been helping out with the cleaning more these days. There was a time I thought it would never happen. My son on the other hand, is a sporadic helper. I am still glad I am not completely "help-less".
I would have to say my wife use to do most of the cleaning up in the kitchen but I'm getting much better. I usually make a good mess in the kitchen, but the food is always good, so my wife doesn't mind cleaning(as long as it's not during the week)
I would have to say my wife use to do most of the cleaning up in the kitchen but I'm getting much better. I usually make a good mess in the kitchen, but the food is always good, so my wife doesn't mind cleaning(as long as it's not during the week)
Full props to you Kamarsun1. Truth be told my husband is not the big cleaning up person generally. He is not going to wash a sink full of dishes I have left behind. I have observed though, that when he cooks he does a much better job of cooking and cleaning together. Let's just say you know when he has cooked as he leaves a clean kitchen. With me you might have a pile in the sink or stuff hidden away if I am cooking for guest.
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In my household we take turns at cleaning the kitchen , at times it's my hubby or I and my son does help out when he feels like ; so i guess we all do our fair share.
Myself, for sure. I live alone, but my boyfriend is always at my apartment on weekends. But he never lifts a finger to clean anything, so i naturally have to do it myself. I also don't have anyone who does professional cleaning for me at home, so I do 100% of cleaning in my kitchen and the rest of the house.
I do most of the cooking and cleaning. I clean as I cook so that I do not have a big mess to clean at one time. When my daughter cooks she makes such a mess to be cleaned up by someone else that I would rather she not cook. She will use every pot in the kitchen when she cooks.
I am the one who does most of the cleaning in our kitchen. Like what I had said in my previous post the kitchen is my favorite place in our house and I am very meticulous when it comes to cleanliness especially when it comes to preparing, handling and cooking foods that is why most of the time I do it by myself so that I am more satisfied about the cleanliness of my kitchen.
If Arch cooks then I clean and wash up.
If I cook, I also clean and wash up.
It is a good arrangement and we are both happy with it.*:thumbsup:

*Except where I wash up utensils when Arch is still using them...:oops:
I do the lot. Occasionally, I'll come home to find that the dishes have already been done but these times are few and far between. To be honest, I don't really mind, I hate people helping me in the kitchen, they just get in the way.
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