Your Favorite Way To Cook Eggs

I really want to try making Scotch eggs (boiled, peeled and wrapped in sausage meat and breading--then baked or deep fried.) If it becomes my favorite way to eat eggs, then I might bear with the trouble and it'd become my favorite way to cook eggs.
Boiled is always yummy, with some toast soldiers. That was all I could stand for years until one day my mum was making a fry up, and I just took a chance and had some fried egg with my chips. Found out that I thought it was delicious to dip my eggs into the egg!
I like my eggs scrambled and a little runny. I make them like this at home but when I go out they tend to be a little overdone in my opinion. I like scrambled eggs because I think they're pretty versatile, some days I even eat eggs for dinner if I get home late and don't know what to make. I like to add diced veggies, bacon or cheese to make it more interesting.
Definitely scrambled or poached. I only learned a method that works for me to poach eggs recently, it's in a frying pan of boiling water. I think it's pretty unconventional, but it works for me!

I also love hard boiled eggs (soft but not runny yolk) that have been put in a mug, then cut up finely with a knife. After that you add a small amount of butter and season with salt then mix it. It's really good, and so easy to make. That, a cup of tea and some toast. Mmm!
I love fried eggs with a soft runny yolk, that I can mop up with toast. The only problem I have with fried eggs is I usually want more than just two, lol. They don't seem as filling to me for some reason if I try or poach them. But when I make an omelette with them they look much more substantial. The trick is I add some water to the eggs, whisk them up really well, then cook them in a 14" or so pan over a medium low heat (starting with a cold pan, no preheating it) with a lid on top the whole time. The eggs expand quite a bit, and actually start to climb up the side of the pan. It looks as though I used at least three, maybe four eggs, but it's only two. I try to keep the fillings healthy, usually some sauteed spinach and mushrooms, with just a small amount of cheese inside.
I remember a saying from the past that went something like, "I love eggs from my head down to my legs". I absolutely, positively love eggs any way they are cooked. I will cook them anyway I can depending on the mood I am in. For example, if I desire toast, I may make my eggs sunny side up or over easy, but if I am craving a bagel or english muffin I may scramble them easy and toss in a bit of shredded cheddar. There just isn't a specific way I eat my eggs, I just love, love, love, them. Come to think of it, there is one way that I have yet to try eggs, in a souffle. Does anyone have any good souffle recipes they would like to share?
My favorite is always a fried egg with a slightly runny middle. I know it's not the healthiest, so my next favorite is a soft boiled egg.

Good eggs take patience I have learned, so I'm still perfecting poaching which is my least favorite because I'm not that patient. I'm fine with omelets and scrambled eggs, but frittatas take time and I love them, but have to make them when I'm not hungry!
I like eggs in the following versions: sunny-side up, poached and omelet. There's also this recipe I found through the Internet that mixed mashed potato with scrambled egg. I'm seriously interested in trying that one out.
when I serve an egg with a meal it is usually fried. Recently, I have been enjoying scrambled eggs on toast but I go through phases of liking scrambled eggs and then going off them. I also like dippy egg and soldiers. This might be a bit of a UK thing, I am not sure. It is a soft boiled egg with buttered toast cut into fingers. I also go through phases of enjoying omelettes with cheese, mushrooms and bacon. I have never tried a souffle as they don't really appeal to me.
I like eggs in the following versions: sunny-side up, poached and omelet. There's also this recipe I found through the Internet that mixed mashed potato with scrambled egg. I'm seriously interested in trying that one out.
Scrambled eggs and mashed potatoes, hmmmm, interesting combination. I am interested in finding out what that tastes like and will probably try it myself. Please do share the experience if you do try it. I know eggs in fried potatoes is very good so I am thinking that this may be something rather tasty, especially if the mashed potatoes are made with real butter not margarine. Now you have me hungry and wanting to try this instead of dinner that my best friend has been working on all day. :)
when I serve an egg with a meal it is usually fried. Recently, I have been enjoying scrambled eggs on toast but I go through phases of liking scrambled eggs and then going off them. I also like dippy egg and soldiers. This might be a bit of a UK thing, I am not sure. It is a soft boiled egg with buttered toast cut into fingers. I also go through phases of enjoying omelettes with cheese, mushrooms and bacon. I have never tried a souffle as they don't really appeal to me.
Omelettes with cheese, mushrooms, and bacon, oh my, that sounds simply amazing right now. I absolutely love mushrooms, bacon, and cheese, so I know this would be a hit. I have never tried all three in an omelette so it looks like that will be something that I try in the near future. My fiance is a chef and phenomenal at making omelettes so I will have to request one the next time he offers breakfast :)
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