Hello Everybody

24 Mar 2023
Local time
11:08 AM
Somerset & Costa Tropical Spain

I live in sometimes sunny Somerset in the South West of England but also spend as much time as possible on the South coast of Spain.
I love food, talking about it, reading about it, making it and have a minor (ahem) kitchen gadget habit.
I enjoy experimental kitchen where I often make up variations of a dish after reading many recipes and have them compete for my own tastebud win.

Currently I’m into Yotam Ottolenghi for his sunny disposition, bright colours and bold flavours and Felicity Cloake’s Column enjoying her search for the perfect version of something.

I’ve been thinking I should join a food forum for a while to save my family having to listen to me wax lyrical about whatever my latest food thoughts are :happy:

I see you have a mix of countries on here and folk who like to travel which for me is a big plus, might not be true but I’ve found in general travelled people have open minds and warmer hearts and you seem a chilled out bunch.

I’m a hobbyist of hobbying, there’s not a lot I haven’t had a go at one point or another but cooking and riding motorbikes are the two that are stitched into my DNA!

I have as many food loves as there are countries in the world and enjoy reading about and creating dishes from many different countries and cultures.

Looking forward to meeting everyone and sharing some good food chat n pics :cheers:
Welcome to CookingBites SandwichShortOfAPicnic. I hope you like it here. We do have quite an international group of regular contributors here as you noticed.

Currently I’m into Yotam Ottolenghi for his sunny disposition, bright colours and bold flavours and Felicity Cloake’s Column enjoying her search for the perfect version of something.

Yes - I'm also fascinated by both of those authors/cooks and I've several Ottolenghi books.
Welcome to CookingBites

I'm definitely in the group of well travelled. Originally from the UK, (lived in most parts of it except the east coast and Northern Ireland), nearly moved to live in Stavanger, Norway many years back, sold everything and went off to try to cycle around the world just over a decade ago, and subsequently moved to Australia on a whim 6¾ years ago when someone offered to pay my husband to live and work in Australia for 4 years (the alternative was us buying a house in Lancashire). Luckily we'd already decided to stay when Covid hit, (that month was when we were due to leave on our original visa), but my parents ended stranded with us for 6 months.

I love Middle Eastern (extending across the silk road and into the -stans), Mediterranean, Indian and Asian cuisine, but due to being vegetarian with a serious dairy allergy (I usually just say vegan plus eggs from my own chooks (Aussie for chickens) ) I typically push the boundaries all the time and veganise a lot of dishes. I love herbs and spices. There's a thread on them that shows my current collection (minus the delivery I took yesterday).

Everything is made at home and I grow a lot of our own veg which is where I'm about to disappear to (the veg plot) to get the autumn planting done before I go into hospital on Wednesday.
Welcome to CookingBites

I'm definitely in the group of well travelled. Originally from the UK, (lived in most parts of it except the east coast and Northern Ireland), nearly moved to live in Stavanger, Norway many years back, sold everything and went off to try to cycle around the world just over a decade ago, and subsequently moved to Australia on a whim 6¾ years ago when someone offered to pay my husband to live and work in Australia for 4 years (the alternative was us buying a house in Lancashire). Luckily we'd already decided to stay when Covid hit, (that month was when we were due to leave on our original visa), but my parents ended stranded with us for 6 months.

I love Middle Eastern (extending across the silk road and into the -stans), Mediterranean, Indian and Asian cuisine, but due to being vegetarian with a serious dairy allergy (I usually just say vegan plus eggs from my own chooks (Aussie for chickens) ) I typically push the boundaries all the time and veganise a lot of dishes. I love herbs and spices. There's a thread on them that shows my current collection (minus the delivery I took yesterday).

Everything is made at home and I grow a lot of our own veg which is where I'm about to disappear to (the veg plot) to get the autumn planting done before I go into hospital on Wednesday.

Ah thats all music to my ears (apart from the hospital appt bit :().

I took up endurance cycling about 10 years ago and was so into it, a normal ride would be 60-80 miles but then I got a motorbike completed my last century ride two weeks later and that was that. I’m still planning to ride around the world except now it will be on a motorbike and I‘m planning to do it jigsaw style, do one country come back check home life is ticketyboo draw that line on the map, rest and do the next country.

A friend rode the Silk Road last year. I think it was a bit harrowing!

I read you had a severe reaction from an antihistamine pill?!! It had dairy in it? What a thing to put in an antihistamine!
I have to cater for dietary restrictions at home and dairy is on the no list for one member. Veganism has sure helped improve the dairy free persons lot but like you say you have to be creative with those solutions because if you love food its not good enough to simply be a substitute, it has to stand alone as tasting gooood.

Like a lot of people I love animals and had chickens until a few years ago but as I’d like to spend more time travelling it’s no more pets for me until I’ve spent these itchy feet!

Good luck at you appt on Wednesday 👍
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Hi, another welcome from Ohio!

I think I’m well-travelled, until I look at a map, and realize I’ve stuck mainly to Europe. That’s ok, though.

I have a semi-opened mind: open enough that I’m happy when others are happy enjoying whatever it is they’re enjoying, but after more than a half-century on this planet, I’ve worked out what I like and dislike to my own satisfaction, and do 🤨 when someone tells me, “No, really, I know you say you don’t like <insert nasty dish here>, but you haven’t tried mine…” - I know my own mind, thanks! :laugh:
Hi, another welcome from Ohio!

I think I’m well-travelled, until I look at a map, and realize I’ve stuck mainly to Europe. That’s ok, though.

I have a semi-opened mind: open enough that I’m happy when others are happy enjoying whatever it is they’re enjoying, but after more than a half-century on this planet, I’ve worked out what I like and dislike to my own satisfaction, and do 🤨 when someone tells me, “No, really, I know you say you don’t like <insert nasty dish here>, but you haven’t tried mine…” - I know my own mind, thanks! :laugh:
I think someone trying to force you to eat things you don‘t like and you not acquiescing sounds more like self preservation :happy:
Welcome from Texas. 🤠

You are off to a good start. I see you posted some tartare in the "What did you eat" thread... with pictures. We like pictures!

Is that a BSA motorcycle in your avatar? It is hard to tell, but I blew it up on my computer, and the logo looks like three letters.

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