broiler/grill pan

  1. Hemulen

    Recipe Tomato and Pepper Puree Soup

    Tomato and Pepper Puree Soup _ Serves 4 | Preparation 35-40 minutes Ingredients 1 kg (~970 ml) mini plum or cherry tomatoes 4 (long) red peppers 7-8 tablespoons evoo 1000 ml water 4-5 cloves of garlic (3-4 teaspoons of minced garlic) 1-2 fresh chil(l)ies (2-3 teaspoons of minced chili) Zest of...
  2. Hemulen

    Recipe Charbroiled vegetables and venison with pistachio sauce

    Charbroiled vegetables and venison with pistachio sauce Serves 2-3| Preparation 45 minutes Ingredients / Vegetables 200-220 g cabbage (~a quarter of a cabbage head) 1-2 onions 1-2 carrots A big pinch of finger salt A big pinch of black pepper 0,5-1 teaspoon dried thyme 0,5-1 teaspoon dried...
  3. TastyReuben

    Do You Use Your Broiler Pan ('Grill Pan' in UK)

    I don't know about everywhere else, but here in the US, every stove/range comes with one of these, a broiler pan: I also know that 99.99999561% of people who have one of these nifty items don't use it. It gets put in the pan storage drawer or tucked away in some cabinet, and three years...
  4. C

    Recipe Grilled Chicken Breasts with Mandarin Orange Sauce

    Yes, another chicken recipe. Only this one DH cooked for us for dinner tonight. It was so delicious. He used boneless thighs. Grilled Chicken Breasts with Mandarin Orange Sauce 4 boneless skinless chicken breast halves 2 TB. butter, melted 1/8 tsp. cinnamon Sauce: 4 tsp. cornstarch 1 TB...
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