
  1. Chives


  2. Packaged Chives

    Packaged Chives

    Packaged Chives
  3. Hemulen

    Recipe Wine-poached hearts

    Wine-poached hearts Serves 4 | Preparation 30-40 min, cooking time 3 hours Pig hearts are an underrated and dodged but a lean and wonderful cooking ingredient. They taste a bit like other entrails like liver or kidneys but their flavor is milder and the texture is vaguely (ox) tongue-like. The...
  4. Hemulen

    Recipe Salmon Pie

    Salmon Pie Serves 6-8 | Preparation and baking time: 1 hour 15 min Ingredients ✧ 500 g (1.1 lb) shallots ✧ 15-20 g (0.5-0.7 oz/1 heaped tablespoon) butter ✧ 60 g (2.1 oz/2 bunches) chives ✧ 60 g (2.1 oz/2 bunches) dill ✧ 350-400 g (0.8-0.9 lb) smoked or blazed (open-fire smoked) salmon ✧ 2 dl...
  5. Hemulen

    Recipe Chicken cutlets with chive butter and gratin

    Chicken cutlets with chive butter and gratin Serves 3-4 | Preparation and cooking time 2 hours Ingredients / Gratin ✧ 1 tablespoon sunflower oil or evoo ✧ 2 red or yellow/brown medium-sized onions ✧ 2-3 cloves of garlic ✧ 100 ml/g (0.4 cups/3.38 fl oz) double cream ✧ 100 ml/g (0.4 cups/3.38...
  6. murphyscreek

    Recipe & Video Braised Garlic Chicken

    This is a very simple recipe. But one I go back to time and time again. And if you get around to watching the video, it's an example of one of my very early efforts, and was more focused on trying to use an induction cook top for the very first time. Not that I'm saying my newer ones are James...
  7. Wholemeal Muffin with Chives and Ricotta.jpg

    Wholemeal Muffin with Chives and Ricotta.jpg

  8. MypinchofItaly

    Recipe Wholemeal Muffin with Chives and Ricotta

    Makes 8 Muffins, Preparation time 10 mins, Cooking time 25 to 30 mins 80 g. wholemeal flour 100 g. all-purpose flour 80 g. grated Parmesan cheese 100 g Ricotta cheese 10 g. instant powdered yeast Salt, 2 tsp Turmeric, a tsp 30 ml Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) 2 eggs a pinch of nutmeg a bunch...
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