cloud eggs

  1. flyinglentris

    Origin of the cloud egg and its distribution as a technique today.

    The cloud egg concept originated in France, first noted in 1651. It was then called 'eggs in the snow' or oeufs a la Niege. Eggs in the snow is not the same thing today, being a meringue floating in custard sauce. This latter definition is what will be found, if you google for oeufs a la...
  2. Tomato Potato Egg Bake

    Tomato Potato Egg Bake

    Tomato Potato Egg Bake
  3. Tomato Potato Egg Bake

    Tomato Potato Egg Bake

    Tomato Potato Egg Bake
  4. Eggs Californian

    Eggs Californian

    Eggs Californian
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