
  1. F

    question to expert cooks about buffalo wings

    ok, the best single thing I've ever eaten in my lifetime was the buffalo wings at a now defunct restaurant called Paradise Alley in Harrisburg PA. These wings were free and I've gone many years trying to find wings like this to no avail. Let me describe. They were dry, had no sauce. When you...
  2. medtran49

    Food Network Worst Cooks in America?

    Has anybody watched the first episode of the new season yet? OMG, I'm not sure if these people are putting us on or what. If they aren't, they are definitely the worst cooks ever. The steak/oven fiasco is almost worthy of The Three Stooges.
  3. The Late Night Gourmet

    Are We Chefs or Cooks?

    I could have sworn a topic like this was posted already. But, if it is, I can't find it. So, let's start the discussion here. A year or so after I started taking cooking seriously, I recall doing something cool with a particular recipe. I can't recall what that thing was, but I do recall that...
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