
They Live is a 1988 American science fiction action thriller film written and directed by John Carpenter, and based on the 1963 short story "Eight O'Clock in the Morning" by Ray Nelson. It follows an unnamed drifter played by Roddy Piper, who discovers that the ruling class are aliens concealing their appearance and manipulating people to spend money, breed, and accept the status quo with subliminal messages in mass media.
The film was a minor success at the time of its release, debuting #1 at the North American box office. It originally received negative reviews criticizing its social commentary, writing and acting. However, like other films of Carpenter, it later enjoyed a cult following and eventually became recognized as a largely underrated work. The film has also entered popular culture, and notably had a lasting impact on street art (particularly that of Shepard Fairey), while its near six-minute alley brawl between the protagonists makes appearances on all-time lists for best fight scenes.
John Carpenter has rejected neo-Nazi and white supremacist claims that the film "is an allegory for Jewish control of the world," instead noting the film "is about yuppies and unrestrained capitalism".

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  1. Burt Blank

    Post a Web Cam of where you live

    Here is Split, today is very sunny but cold.
  2. rascal

    Minneapolis live

    Watching CNN live, things aren't good there, protests at the White House as well. Stay safe anyone near there. Russ
  3. ElizabethB

    Recipe Live Crawfish to eat and to freeze.

    A dear friend has a hobby crawfish pond. He does not sell them . He gives them away to friends and family . This morning he called G and offered a sack of crawfish Yippee! Much more than we can eat. Blanched all but 10 lbs. Those will be peeled, the fat reserved and frozen for later use The...
  4. Herbie

    Do you eat live food?

    Do you eat live food? I've tried oysters live but prefer them cooked. I can't ever see me trying Casu marzu. I'm pretty adventurous in trying new food but i think this is my cut off point.
  5. ElizabethB

    Recipe Chicken Liver Pate with Fig Preserves

    Mod.edit: this recipe has been copied and moved from another thread (Your Favorite Party Food). Ingredients 1 container of chicken livers (usually about 1 lb. to 1.5 lbs.) 1/2 cup sliced white or yellow onions 1 cup chicken stock 2 1/2 sticks room temperature butter 1/2 tbsp. Cognac Fig...
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