
  1. Tonkatsu or Japanese-Style Pork Cutlets

    Tonkatsu or Japanese-Style Pork Cutlets

    If you'd like to try this dish here's the recipe for you. OISHI!!!
  2. kaneohegirlinaz

    Recipe Tonkatsu or Japanese-Style Pork Cutlets

    Tonkatsu or Japanese-Style Pork Cutlets Ingredients: ½ lb. Boneless Pork Loin, cut into four ½ inch thick pieces 2-3 Tbsp. Rice Flour 1 Egg White, beaten ¾ - 1 C. Panko Salt & Pepper to taste +/- 1 C. Any Neutral Oil Method: With the back of your Chef’s Knife, pound each cutlet on...
  3. kaneohegirlinaz

    Recipe Spam® Katsu

    I saw this idea on Pinterest and it really struck a cord for me. Being from Hawaii, we do love our Spam® and I thought that we’d try it a different way. Spam® Katsu serves 3-4 Ingredients: 1 can Spam®, cut into 6 slices 1 Egg, beaten well 1/2 C. Flour (I used Rice Flour, just `cuz) 1/2 – 1...
  4. Windigo

    Recipe Spicy Indonesian meatballs with satay sauce

    As the recipe challenge is still open, I thought I would share my husband's favorite meal with you. He loves my meatballs, and he loves my satay sauce. Maybe you will too! never hurts to try. I had to adapt it a little because I am unsure if all ingredients I have on hand are available...
  5. M

    Recipe & Video Curry Pan - Bread stuffed with curry, coated in panko and deep fried

    Talking with people the last few days, apparently this dish isn't as widely known as I'd thought. They are well worth making. I made 24 to shoot this video; giving them away made me very popular with my neighbors and the rest freeze and thaw just fine, especially in an air fryer. Here's the...
  6. medtran49

    Recipe Coconut panko crusted fish with key lime butter sauce

    I'm going to go ahead and post the recipe but I'm not going to get to make it before the challenge ends unfortunately so no picture. My inspiration for this was a recipe posted on a local grocery store's ad but I'm making some big changes. Serves 2 2 (around 6 oz each) white fish fillets...
  7. Panko Bread Crumbs

    Panko Bread Crumbs

    Panko Bread Crumbs
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