
  1. Morning Glory

    Recipe Mussels with bacon, Pernod & tarragon

    The aniseed flavour of Pernod is a lovely combination with sweet mussels and salty, smoky bacon. This is an easy dish to prepare. I used semi skimmed milk to create the sauce but you could use cream if you prefer. Serve with some crusty bread to mop up the juice. Ingredients (serves 2) 500g...
  2. flyinglentris


    I was watching "Beat The Devil" with Humphrey Bogart and his character comments to Gina Lola Brigida's character when she suggested they needed to do something to increase their financial state, "I'm going to go downstairs and drink a lot of pano." Pano? The context suggests an alcohol...
  3. Morning Glory

    Recipe Swordfish with Almond and Black Pepper crust and Parsnip Purée

    Black pepper and almonds form a delightful spicy sweet crust for the fish. The parsnips are simmered in almond milk with black cardamon and Pernod for a sweet anise flavoured purée. Ingredients (serves 2) For the purée: 170g parsnips, peeled and chopped into small pieces 200ml almond milk 2...
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