
  1. Windigo

    The Dutch food thread, because Dutch food isn't so bad as its reputation.

    So I decided to make a thread about Dutch food, because internationally there are so many misconceptions about it. Supposedly our food is bland, repetitive and uninteresting. Talking about Dutch food usually conjures up images of cheese, potatoes, sad vegetables and mashed potatoes. Maybe if...
  2. MypinchofItaly

    15th August - Ferragosto

    Ferragosto is a holiday that takes place on 15th August every year in Italy. It is one of the most popular holiday in Italy other than Christmas day and Easter. Ferragosto coincides with the Assumption Day, the principal feast of the Virgin Mary, commemorating the day of the assumption of her...
  3. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Who is having pancakes today?

    So it's Shrove Tuesday today. March 5th. Who ' celebrates ' it with the start of Lent? And who just uses it as an excuse for pancakes? I know we fall in the latter category as just using it as an excuse to have pancakes. I only make them dairy free, not vegan. We have a surpluse of eggs having...
  4. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Restarting Easter Traditions - Egg Decoration Competition

    I was wondering if anyone was interested in a competition based around an old Easter Tradition of egg decoration? I'd put up a small prize (yet to be decided upon, but probably a small kitchen gadget or cookbook of your choosing) for the best decorated blown set of 4 eggs. (4 would allow for...
  5. Morning Glory

    Easter food

    What food do you eat at Easter? Here, roast lamb is traditional and of course hot cross buns. Easter eggs are popular with the kids - do you still eat Easter eggs? And do you have any special meals planned for Easter? Today I'm making some hot cross buns.
  6. F

    Christmas Eve 24th: Seven Fish Carte. What is your plan?

    The Mediterranean Seven Fish Carte, for Christmas Eve, has been somewhat lost its signficance amongst many who choose to do more modern menus for this special occasion .. However, in my family, we keep the traditions going and here is one of the cartes that we are in the process of discussing ...
  7. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Pancakes

    So it's that time of year again... :cook::cook::cook: British pancake day... I say British because well our pancakes are not like the American ones.... Traditionally the size of a dinner plate, served with lemon juice and caster sugar. The SNSSO family recipe. Makes about 6 dinner plate...
  8. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Pancakes - Shrove Tuesday

    So is anyone else having pancakes tomorrow and if so what do you put on them. We traditionally have pancakes with lemons & sugar, though I alter the pancake recipe a touch to include some hemp flour which adds a little body to the pancakes and mix in some limes with the lemons for squeezing over...
  9. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Pancakes

    Ingredients (serves 2 people who are not exceptionally hungry, a 3 egg mixture with 3/4 pt of 'milk' serves 2 very hungry people!) 1/2 pt of milk/soya milk 6oz self raising flour (keep the flour handy) 2 eggs 1 heaped dessertspoon of a fine sugar (demerara is not good for this). Plenty of...
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