
  1. kaneohegirlinaz

    How Can I Change The Hair Color Of The Emojis?

    I like these of people 🤷‍♀️ but I don't have blonde hair. In addition, can I change the skin tone?
  2. The Late Night Gourmet

    5 Indispensable Kitchen Tricks from Julia Child

    I have a feeling I've posted to the wrong forum, but I'm equally certain that @morning glory will find the right home for it. Here's the text of the original post from the excellent Food52 site: Before the word “hack” was in anyone’s vocabulary (or before anyone even knew what a kitchen hack...
  3. Lynne Guinne

    Household tips and tricks

    After making a comment about alternate uses for shampoo, I thought we might like a thread we can share shortcuts we've found useful. I have trouble with my hair liking a shampoo all the way through a bottle sometimes. In those cases, I re-purpose the shampoo into a shower and tub cleaner. Wet...
  4. niemela23

    Some cooking/food-related 'hacks' that I thought others may enjoy. :)

    -35 general, various foodie 'hacks'. Some neat little tricks... -A collection of salad 'hacks'. I especially like the little tidbit about red and green lettuces in this...
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