Answer A Question With A Question


23 Mar 2017
Local time
1:55 AM
This is a fun game (I found on another forum) where you just type a sentence responding to the previous post - the condition being that it must be in the form of a question.

It can be very amusing i.e. let's keep it light hearted. :okay:

(For example) -

Have you noticed how some clothes no longer fit as you get older?

(To which another member may respond to this post) -

are you saying you want to wear that psychedlic dress still?

You get the idea, so I will start:-

Have you noticed that some products give you orders, i.e. 'open the other side'?
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This is a fun game (I found on another forum) where you just type a sentence responding to the previous post - the condition being that it must be in the form of a question.

It can be very amusing i.e. keep it light hearted. :okay:

(For example) -

Have you noticed how some clothes no longer fit as you get older?

(To which another member may respond to this post) -

are you saying you want to wear that psychedlic dress still?

You get the idea, so I will start:-

Have you noticed that some products give you orders, i.e. 'open the other side'?
arent the people who made these products just really bad at their job if they cant even make a good package?
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Why is it a bad package, just because the instructions differ for the final perfectly made one?
does anyone blame the manufacturer's for a faulty design in the first place?
Whose "Monty"?

And whose fault is it if you can't open the packet?
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