Anyone obsessed with cheese?

Yes, I LOVE it. I am one of those weirdos that can eat goat and blue cheese just on it's own.
Cheese is the number one source of protein in my diet followed by seafood. I have tried numerous varieties and I can safely say that there aren't too many of them that I have tried that I don't like.
American cheese might have a bad reputation, but I've actually discovered quite a few that I think are really good. Colby, Monterey Jack...especially marbled with a good sharp cheddar.

I've also re-discovered Emmental cheese and Swiss, both very flat cheeses.

I wonder where "sharp" and "flat" qualities got determined, actually...when I was a kid, I thought that Swiss cheese was very sharp because it had this numbing sort of distinct flavor.

But mostly, I'm hunkering down to some mild, plasticine processed cheese blocks and liking it.
I love cheese, especially Feta, Meunster, and cheddar. My son loves cheese, too. So much, I had to put a lock on the fridge to keep him out of it, because after I bought cheese, he'd go in in the night and eat it all. We put it on nearly everything.
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