Can someone please remind me how to peel tomatoes?


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
12:28 AM
SE Australia
Can someone please remind me how to peel tomatoes?
I know it is in a pan of boiling water. I know you wait until the skin splits, but then when I peel the skin off, rather a lot of tomato is coming with it. I don't think a couple of mm is meant to but getting just the skin off is really difficult and I don't think it is meant to be this hard. I only have the 1 recipe that really needs the skins off (all the others I just pull the skins out of the dish as I see them but this one needs to be liquidised and I have done it before with the skins on and it didn't work.

This is Australia. They were tomatoes. Larger type, red not plum... Some very ripe, some starting to go over, others slightly under ripe. I guess around index finger in diameter for the smallest one. Can't give you the variety, have a hard enough time establishing that with potatoes. Here they are white, red or with soil on them!
Aren't you supposed to score them on the bottom first?
I tried scoring some of them first. (I had a lot of toms to peel). I tried horizontal and vertical cuts both at the base and around the equator. I tried leaving them in for a while and I tried leaving them in for next to no time. Only one peeled easily and I have no idea add to why.
You could try grilling them or roasting them instead, especially if the tomatoes are destined for a sauce. You get a nice smoky flavour...

Remove stalk with a sharp knive,put a cross in the top in the skin,plunge in boiling water for approx ten seconds,depends on ripeness, then into iced water ,skin should then pull off
Thanks @morning glory and @Berties. I'll try that next time. Maybe they were just awkward fruit.

It's for a home-made tomato and basil soup. I don't often make it but wanted something made and ready in the freezer for the week with the way my ribs are at the moment, I still need to rest.

We are waiting for a new oven @morning glory. I mentioned it during the house inspection when she checked the ovens cleanliness that neither the ignition switch for the gas (for the entire cooker) or the thermostat worked, she had seen the oven thermometer hanging off the top shelf and whilst she said nothing then, the next day when she returned our keys (they were getting new cut after none of what we were given actually fitted any lock!) she went through a whole load of bits with us and we now have permission to cut down whatever trees we want and are getting a new cooker amongst other thing!
Thanks @morning glory and @Berties. I'll try that next time. Maybe they were just awkward fruit.

It's for a home-made tomato and basil soup. I don't often make it but wanted something made and ready in the freezer for the week with the way my ribs are at the moment, I still need to rest.

We are waiting for a new oven @morning glory. I mentioned it during the house inspection when she checked the ovens cleanliness that neither the ignition switch for the gas (for the entire cooker) or the thermostat worked, she had seen the oven thermometer hanging off the top shelf and whilst she said nothing then, the next day when she returned our keys (they were getting new cut after none of what we were given actually fitted any lock!) she went through a whole load of bits with us and we now have permission to cut down whatever trees we want and are getting a new cooker amongst other thing!
Excellent news! I was wondering how the sour dough was going and how you were managing to make bread without a reliable oven.
Can someone please remind me how to peel tomatoes?
I know it is in a pan of boiling water. I know you wait until the skin splits, but then when I peel the skin off, rather a lot of tomato is coming with it. I don't think a couple of mm is meant to but getting just the skin off is really difficult and I don't think it is meant to be this hard. I only have the 1 recipe that really needs the skins off (all the others I just pull the skins out of the dish as I see them but this one needs to be liquidised and I have done it before with the skins on and it didn't work.


I always leave the skins on tomatoes if they are meant to be eaten raw (salad, garnish, etc) otherwise I remove them usually using the cross cut boiling water method. I cannot abide tomato skins in chilis, curries, soups, et al, because they always find their way into the gaps between my (own) teeth.
I always leave the skins on tomatoes if they are meant to be eaten raw (salad, garnish, etc) otherwise I remove them usually using the cross cut boiling water method. I cannot abide tomato skins in chilis, curries, soups, et al, because they always find their way into the gaps between my (own) teeth.
It's one of the few that I don't just sit and pick them out before serving (as I do with chilies and curries. Most soups I make don't have tomatoes in, or if they do only a couple so again, I just pull them out at the time. This one however has something like 3kg of fresh tomatoes in it and well, they needed peeling before hand because the liquidizer will murder the skins into little pieces which I hate and also have issues with the getting stuck in between my teeth, only I have the reverse problem, no gaps between my teeth so when things get stuck, they get well and truly stuck... The pressure building up between my teeth because of the no gaps is actually causing vertical splits in the enamel of my front teeth!

So whilst normally sounds stay on for everything, not just tomatoes, this time around it was essentialb that they were removed. The soup is now divided up into 3 portions for 2 people and in the freezer. We have 1 more night of one of your recipes left and then onto the soup. I've won't need to cook until Friday, but may make some bread too go with the soup. A nice rye sourdough with while seeds in it takes my fancy.
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