Cardamon Seeds

I'm sure your description is very accurate but given that I chuck a hot chicken curry over the top of mine I cannot tell.

Just call me a heathen,
Green works just as well in a hot chicken curry. It adds a citrus note. Use black and it will taste quite different.
Thanks for all of these interesting replies. I didn't know that u could get black ones or ready ground. Infusing the cream or buying ready ground cardamon sounds just the ticket. I will let u know how I get on.
Thanks for all of these interesting replies. I didn't know that u could get black ones or ready ground. Infusing the cream or buying ready ground cardamon sounds just the ticket. I will let u know how I get on.
Ready ground just won't pack the punch of freshly ground. You really would be better off using whole or grinding your own...
I'm scared I don't remove all the husks......a tea strainer perhaps..... separate the powdered seeds from the husks?
You just need to strain the infused cream. You could use a tea strainer but it might be a bit labour intensive! Depends how big a batch you are making. Just an ordinary fine meshed sieve. See here, (scroll down the images) this is infusing cream for creme brulee but its the same method:
Oh, you can get more than one type of cardamom? I'm going to have to talk to my health food shop or find a new one
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