Recipe & Video Chicken and Strawberry Korma


11 Feb 2019
Local time
11:52 AM




1kg skinless chicken thigh fillets quartered
250gms fresh strawberries halved
2 large brown onion sliced
1/2 cup almonds
1/4 cup cashews
8 cloves garlic
Large knob ginger
Medium piece fresh tumeric
1 cup plain yoghurt
1 and 1/2 tsp garam masala
1 tsp ground coriander powder
1 tsp Kashmiri chilli powder
1 tsp sea salt
3 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp ghee


In a heavy wok, fry onion in the oil/ghee until dark and caramelised. Do not shortcut this stage, unlike other curries it's important to keep cooking until there is dark coloration.
Allow to completely cool.
Place cooled onions in a food processor, along with all other ingredients (except chicken/strawberries).
Put the wok with the onion flavoured oil/ghee aside for now.
Process the onion, nuts, ginger,garlic, tumeric, yoghurt, spices until a paste forms.
Place aside.
Reuse your wok on a medium/high heat to saute the chicken pieces to brown, in batches if necessary, then remove from wok and place aside.
Lower heat to medium, and add paste and cook for five minutes, stirring frequently.
Add browned chicken pieces, and cook for a few more minutes, again stirring frequently.
Mix in one cup of water, and simmer on a low heat for 20-25 minutes.
Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary.
Turn heat off, and gently stir in the strawberries.
Allow to rest for 5-10 minutes, before serving with basmati rice, and/or Indian bread.
Garnish with sliced green chillies as desired.

Its inspired! I was thinking about inventing a curry but shied away from it. Using the nuts here makes it work I think.

Do you have any comments about how it tastes?
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View attachment 105308
View attachment 105309



1kg skinless chicken thigh fillets quartered
250gms fresh strawberries halved
2 large brown onion sliced
1/2 cup almonds
1/4 cup cashews
8 cloves garlic
Large knob ginger
Medium piece fresh tumeric
1 cup plain yoghurt
1 and 1/2 tsp garam masala
1 tsp ground coriander powder
1 tsp Kashmiri chilli powder
1 tsp sea salt
3 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp ghee


In a heavy wok, fry onion in the oil/ghee until dark and caramelised. Do not shortcut this stage, unlike other curries it's important to keep cooking until there is dark coloration.
Allow to completely cool.
Place cooled onions in a food processor, along with all other ingredients (except chicken/strawberries).
Put the wok with the onion flavoured oil/ghee aside for now.
Process the onion, nuts, ginger,garlic, tumeric, yoghurt, spices until a paste forms.
Place aside.
Reuse your wok on a medium/high heat to saute the chicken pieces to brown, in batches if necessary, then remove from wok and place aside.
Lower heat to medium, and add paste and cook for five minutes, stirring frequently.
Add browned chicken pieces, and cook for a few more minutes, again stirring frequently.
Mix in one cup of water, and simmer on a low heat for 20-25 minutes.
Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary.
Turn heat off, and gently stir in the strawberries.
Allow to rest for 5-10 minutes, before serving with basmati rice, and/or Indian bread.
Garnish with sliced green chillies as desired.


How would it go without the strawberries??

Its inspired! I was thinling about inventing a curry but shied away from it. Using the nuts here makes it work I think.

Do you have any comments about how it tastes?
When I tried it straight away as in the video, I really liked the taste as you bit in to the still firm strawberry along with some of the curry sauce/chicken. At that stage the strawberries had only been sitting in the sauce for about five minutes. But like any curry, I was looking forward to it the next day, but following reheating the texture of the strawberries had gone quite mushy, and the taste experience was nowhere near as good. So if I was going to serve it to others I would only add the strawberries last minute before dishing it up and not add the strawberries too far in advance.
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