Do Coca-cola and Pepsi have some health benefits?

3 Jul 2014
Local time
9:52 PM
These days people seem to be more health conscious and a lot of them are staying away from sodas, or aerated drinks as we call them here. However, there are 2 aerated drinks that I think may have some health benefits if taken in moderation. These are Coca-Cola and Pepsi. The reason I say this is because of an event that I witnessed many years ago. My brother was nauseated (I cannot remember if it was a case of influenza) and he was also vomiting. We contacted a nurse friend of ours to find out what to do in such a case. She said to give him a glass of Coca-cola and let him sip it slowly. She claimed that this would stop the vomiting and settle his stomach.

Well, my mom got the Coca-cola and gave it to my brother to drink. Soon after that, the nausea went away and he was feeling somewhat better.

So, although we are told that these drinks, especially Coca-cola and Pepsi are not good for our health, I believe it has to do with the amount that one drinks. They could be beneficial for certain complaints if taken in moderate doses. I don't know what other health benefits they have other than the one I mentioned here.
We've just had a sugar shake up programme by Jamie Oliver ,a can of coke contains twice as much sugar than you should have in a day , and it showed children being bottle fed coke as the water is polluted,and the fact that brushing will not remove all sugar deposits ,and children having all there teeth pulled ,I will drink coke on really sweaty days as it stops me getting cramps
It was originally sold as a patent medicine [for what I don't know] however it is good for freeing rusted nuts and bolts and will, given time, strip paint. I will drink it on a hot day if there is no decent beer available or I'm driving [if only to annoy the men in white coats].
Good for clearing stomach blockages!
"Doctors are using Coca-Cola to treat a painful stomach condition, sparing patients from surgery.
They have discovered that the fizzy drink is highly effective at dealing with a condition known as a gastric phytobezoar.
This is a stomach blockage which, unless it is successfully removed or destroyed, can subsequently lead to a bowel obstruction."
We are soda drinkers. My husband is addicted to Coke and I too although lately my sister who is a nurse advised me against Coke of Pepsi. So I shifted to Mountain Dew or Sprite, depending on what's available. I understand that soda has a lot of sugar and Coke has that black element that is affecting the throat. But it is the taste that my husband is after so what can I do about it? The only antidote for Coke is lemonade especially when our lemon tree has lots of fruits, my husband would make lemonade and not Coke for the meantime.
These days people seem to be more health conscious and a lot of them are staying away from sodas, or aerated drinks as we call them here. However, there are 2 aerated drinks that I think may have some health benefits if taken in moderation. These are Coca-Cola and Pepsi. The reason I say this is because of an event that I witnessed many years ago. My brother was nauseated (I cannot remember if it was a case of influenza) and he was also vomiting. We contacted a nurse friend of ours to find out what to do in such a case. She said to give him a glass of Coca-cola and let him sip it slowly. She claimed that this would stop the vomiting and settle his stomach.

Well, my mom got the Coca-cola and gave it to my brother to drink. Soon after that, the nausea went away and he was feeling somewhat better.

So, although we are told that these drinks, especially Coca-cola and Pepsi are not good for our health, I believe it has to do with the amount that one drinks. They could be beneficial for certain complaints if taken in moderate doses. I don't know what other health benefits they have other than the one I mentioned here.
I think the carbonation is soda is good for stomach problems like nausea. My mother used to always give me ginger ale when my stomach was upset and I don't usually have that as an adult, but I will drink some sort of carbonated beverage. I used to give my son ginge rale when he was young too and his little tum tum was upset. Ginger is good for digestion as well.
We are soda drinkers. My husband is addicted to Coke and I too although lately my sister who is a nurse advised me against Coke of Pepsi. So I shifted to Mountain Dew or Sprite, depending on what's available. I understand that soda has a lot of sugar and Coke has that black element that is affecting the throat. But it is the taste that my husband is after so what can I do about it? The only antidote for Coke is lemonade especially when our lemon tree has lots of fruits, my husband would make lemonade and not Coke for the meantime.
I had tried squeezing a lemon into my Pepsi before and I like the taste. Pepsi came up with that idea before and I think I would not hurt if I try it myself. I was not blown away by the taste but it is ok. I read somewhere the burnt sugar in Coca Cola helps relieve oneself of an upset stomach. I was sold to that idea and I am still using it as an alternative treatment.
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I have heard some people say it's good for stomach upsets but I honestly try and limit the amount of those sort of drinks I consume. I'm more worried about the impact they have on my teeth! It's like it may solve one problem and create another.
I had tried squeezing a lemon into my Pepsi before and I like the taste. Pepsi came up with that idea before and I think I would not hurt if I try it myself. I was not blown away by the taste but it is ok. I read somewhere the burnt sugar in Coca Cola helps relieve oneself of an upset stomach. I was sold to that idea and I am still using it as an alternative treatment.

Some years back when my husband had stomach ache due to an impending diarrhea, he was prescribed a medication. And when after 2 days the situation remained the same, my sister who is a nurse advised my husband to drink Coke (he stopped drinking soda when he got sick, afraid that it was the soda that was causing the illness). And miraculously, the ailment had gone away with that can of Coke. So now I tend to believe that soda has a therapeutic effect on our bodies somehow.
Whenever when kids were younger whenever they had a upset stomach I would give them ginger ale and it would always make their bellies feel better. They use to call ginger ale, barf pop, lol because that is the only time they ever got it.
I have heard some people say it's good for stomach upsets but I honestly try and limit the amount of those sort of drinks I consume. I'm more worried about the impact they have on my teeth! It's like it may solve one problem and create another.

It would appear that Coke has some medicinal benefits, but not long-term health benefits. It is not something to be indulged in since it can impact on one's health overtime. Where its effect on the teeth is concerned, I have heard some people say that it puts their teeth on edge. Apart from that, however, it may also cause stains to appear on the teeth after a while. The sugar content in these drinks is also way too high. However, taking small sips when feeling ill, like having stomach issues, can be beneficial. I drink these drinks very sparingly these days.
The funny thing is that we drink 7UP when we have the flu because it does soothe an upset stomach. My 8 year old have a stomach bug a couple of weeks ago and was vomiting. I went to the store and bought him 7UP to drink and he thought I was the best mom in the world. It really does help you out.
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