Do you eat organs?


26 Feb 2014
Local time
10:24 AM
Do you cook and prepare organs of any kind? I make beef liver at least once a week. I think beef liver with caramelized onions on top and simple mashed potatoes is awesome. Also, recently I read up on studies which say that organs are actually more healthy then meat, and have a lot of nutrients which meat has less off. What do you guys think?
No I don't, I have never had a taste for them. I know a lot of people who swear by them but I have no desire to eat something like that.
Nope. I prefer real meat! :p
I absolutely hate the taste of liver and really don't even want to taste most other organs. I mean... eating a heart? You don't hear me say this very often but EWWW.
I'm already slowly getting more and more uncomfortable with eating meat, so I'd say I'm especially put off by organs. The closest I'd probably go for would be liver spread, which I did enjoy when I was younger. It's been a long time since I last had it, but I could still probably eat it now as I do like the taste of it very much.
Do you cook and prepare organs of any kind? I make beef liver at least once a week. I think beef liver with caramelized onions on top and simple mashed potatoes is awesome. Also, recently I read up on studies which say that organs are actually more healthy then meat, and have a lot of nutrients which meat has less off. What do you guys think?

Considering my grandparents had a farm when I was growing up, yes I've eaten organs... things that now literally make me gag to even think about.

That said, I do like liver, but that's the only thing of that kind that I eat now. I like liver and onions and I have a great recipe for another way to prepare it, too.

BUT I don't have it often because if the study you mentioned is recent and if liver was included, it's the total opposite of what I heard a number of years ago and caused me to cut my liver consumption to 2 or 3 times a year. I heard that the amount of cholesterol in liver was very high and that although our mamas always tried to tell us it was very healthy, that wasn't necessarily true.

Do you have a link to that study (uh, well, if we're allowed to do links here.. not 100% sure)? I wouldn't mind buying liver more often if they've reversed the cholesterol thing.
Not sure about being allowed to post links either. :) However, what the study basically said, was that, nutrients and vitamins are stored in organs in higher amounts then in muscle or meat. So by default, you would get more of the good thing by eating liver or other organs then, say, a steak.
I eat chicken heart, and I LOVE IT! I know it seems weird to people not used to it, but it's very common in my country. And it actually tastes so good!! I love if since I was a child, and thank God for that because if I hadn't been used to eating it since a child and someone offered me chicken heart now I would probably pass out! But my parents didn't tell me it was actual chicken heart when I was a kid, so I guess when they called it "heart" I never connected it to an actual animal's heart earlier on.
I do not eat organs of pork, beef or chicken like most other people do it is because i heard that it raises uric acid in our blood which might pose some dangers to our kidneys in the long run if you will always eat this kind of food. I had relatives and friends who had kidney disorder and this organ meats is one of the list of foods that should be avoided and I had learned from them. Even though I love to eat chicken liver cooked with garlic, soy sauce and vinegar until it had a thickened sauce until cooked I tried to avoid eating it now maybe once in a while only because now I value my health more.
Not sure about being allowed to post links either. :) However, what the study basically said, was that, nutrients and vitamins are stored in organs in higher amounts then in muscle or meat. So by default, you would get more of the good thing by eating liver or other organs then, say, a steak.
links to studies etc are fine, just try to include it as part of the text rather than adding the hyperlink afterwards - some hyperlinks can be huge and look ungamely.

So click on this icon/button highlighted with a word/some words highlighted beforehand

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past the hyperlink into the URL field and click insert and your text (say the study name) will be the link.
I have read many studies about the benefits to eating liver, but I still don't touch it. I think of the liver as a filter so why would I want to eat a filter where all of this junk went through it? Yuck! I guess I would try a few out and would eat them for survival. Other than that, no thanks!
Mostly no but I do enjoy eating chicken livers especially with a nice thick and creamy peri-peri sauce and malva toast.
I used to hate organs...well actually I still hate organs except for maybe foie gras. I hated the taste of foie gras when I first had it but as I ate it more often, I learned special methods to enjoy the taste of foie gras. Nevertheless, that's more of an exception. Generally speaking, organs taste gross.
I used to hate organs...well actually I still hate organs except for maybe foie gras. I hated the taste of foie gras when I first had it but as I ate it more often, I learned special methods to enjoy the taste of foie gras. Nevertheless, that's more of an exception. Generally speaking, organs taste gross.

That all depends on the way they are prepared I think. For example, today I had some beef liver with ginger, garlic and onions along with soy sauce and a home made sweet sour sauce. It tasted awesome and you could barely taste the generic taste of the liver, since ginger is pretty overpowering any other taste if you use it.
I love organ meat, but the only one I can cook myself is liver. Liver and onions, specifically.

Honestly, I wish there were more places to get decently cooked organ meats, they're good for you and mostly disdained because people aren't used to them and therefore cooks can't prepare them... it's a vicious cycle.

Anyway, all meat is gross as a concept. Is the idea of eating skin and muscle inherently less weird?
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