Do you ever recreate the recipes you see on TV Shows?

Do you ever recreate the recipes you see on TV Shows?

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3 Dec 2013
Local time
2:12 PM
The funniest recipe I ever recreated from a TV show was spaghetti tacos. This dish was a mainstay on a kid show called 'iCarly'. Surprisingly, it was pretty tasty.

I did once from a BBC Saturday Kitchen. It was a lamb stew with red wine it was really really nice. I still make it for a special occasions.
Yes and I do love to watch cooking shows on television. Sometimes if I think a certain recipe is good I will try cooking it. Then sometimes I try to innovate it for a more tasteful recipe.
One of the worst ones I ever made was from Ina Garten aka Barefoot Contessa. She made this roasted vegetable and orzo side dish that I wanted to try out. Not only did the recipe make enough to feed like 50 people, but the vinaigrette that went with it made the whole thing taste like mushy vomit. I must have wasted over $25 on all the ingredients for it, and it was laughably bad.

I've tried Jaque Peppin's method for making omelettes in a pan hundreds of times, even with brand new pans and generous amounts of butter, and could never get them to slide around so freely in the pan as his does. I have the flame set exactly how he does in the video, the same size pan, same size eggs, no luck.

Paula Deen's recipe for baked Spinach & Artichoke dip was amazing though. It's easy too, only 6 ingredients.
I don't longer do it, but I was a fan of Pasquale's Kitchen Express show that was aired around a decade ago.

I loved to watch Pasquale Carpino, who was a very singular singing chef and I did not only used to recreate his recipes, but also drink a glass of wine while cooking as he used to do :D
When ever I had watched a certain recipe I've seen on Television cooking show I always tried doing the recipe and sometimes I innovate it for a more tasteful dish.
I like watching cooking shows just for the fun of it. Masterchef happens to be topping my list, however, I have never thought of recreating it. Only once few years back I tried recreating a Hyderabadi Biryani and it ended up being something else (by looks). It did taste good but I know that Hyderabadi Biryani has a very different taste.

So, there goes my recreation out of the window.. :(
I try to make things that I see on The Chew or on Paula Deen's show. I love me some butter. I also like watching Julia Child on Youtube and trying to re-create her recipes. I love her and want to have a Julia Child themed dinner soon.
The funniest recipe I ever recreated from a TV show was spaghetti tacos. This dish was a mainstay on a kid show called 'iCarly'. Surprisingly, it was pretty tasty.


Haha yes. I love Barefoot Contessa and she never makes complicated dishes, so it's always easy trying to recreate a dish from her show. I've been successful, although I doubt if it tasted as good as hers :thumbsdown:
I try to make things that I see on The Chew or on Paula Deen's show. I love me some butter. I also like watching Julia Child on Youtube and trying to re-create her recipes. I love her and want to have a Julia Child themed dinner soon.

I love Julia Child's recipe for Hollandaise sauce. I remember making that as a kid after watching her show, and being all excited that I made something so "gourmet". I was already good with poaching eggs, so I love making Eggs Benedict.
While I wouldn't follow a television recipe word for word, I sometimes get inspiration from cooking shows. However, I'll then look online for recipes to follow, which are similar to the recipe I saw on television. :wink:
I have tried several times. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I prefer to copy recipes from cooking books, however. I always find those easier to recreate. I also usually go for the easier recipes to make, as I'm not particularly good at doing more complex dishes.
I usually stick with following cookbooks. On TV, they make it look so easy and glamourous! The chefs with their hair done beautifully in their nice outfits saying "oh just toss a little of this and a pinch of that..and there you have a wonderful spread for your family dinner." All of their ingredients are pre-measured and ready for them. If you saw me in my kitchen its me in my sweats, my hair all a mess, and I'm browsing through ingredients looking for something paticular. Nothing is pre-measured, and nothing is organzied. I like to take my time and go at my own pace. I am able to do this best when I am following a cookbook. However, when I find a cooking show that is making something I really am interested in, I will often times go to their website and get the recipe. Of course I usually add my own variations. :)
Yes, I love trying to make recipes from the shows that I watch. I can't think of anything that I followed exactly. I have incorporated many things from the shows that I watched. My favorite show was Emeril Live. I never made any of his dishes because they seemed complicated and no matter how good it looked on TV, I just couldn't bring myself to cook with any type of pork fat.
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