Do you grocery shop on an empty stomach?


3 Dec 2013
Local time
9:35 AM
Entering a supermarket on an empty stomach is a recipe for disaster. Why? Your hunger often dictates what you buy. For this reason, I always try to eat before I shop for food.

Do you grocery shop on an empty stomach?


(What I am trying to avoid.)
I try not to, because I find that I get much more things that I need to.
Rarely ever. If I do, I end up buying well beyond my budget and get embarrassed at the checkout line when I start asking the clerk to omit items that were hunger impulse buys. Now that will put a dampen on those hunger pains real quick. I get embarrassed rather easily and my face will turn a nice bright pink. Its best to eat before shopping and avoid the problem.
I try not to but I end up doing it all the time haha. It's definitely a bad idea!
I usually do the bulk of my grocery shopping on an empty tummy but reward myself for choosing healthy products and ingredients by treating myself to a takeaway dinner e.g Chinese, Thai, Indian or gourmet burgers. That way I get to eat some unhealthy food but will have healthy choices (well mostly healthy) in my kitchen for the rest of the week.
I had never experienced going to the grocery shop on an empty stomach. I will not concentrate in my shopping if my stomach is angry.....It is better that you had eaten already so that you will have the energy you need in doing this task.
Going to the grocery store hungry is just asking to overspend on things you don't really need or want.

It's like logic goes out the door when your stomach is growling and you're surrounded by food. I agree with the others about making a shopping list and usually sticking to it, minus the couple of extra items I may have left off.

Quite often yes. Doesn't really matter for me though, I always eat everything I buy so if I buy more that just means more time until the next time I go to get groceries.
I always forget the rule and end up with quite a few impulse buys. A list is a very good idea, but sticking to it is the hard part.

But I find shopping for anything on an empty stomach is a bad idea, even if it isn't food.
Unfortunately I did get into the habit of doing this in recent years. I used to be a lot more disciplined about shopping only once every two weeks and buying all my staple items - and not splurging on specialty stuff or overpriced things. However I started getting more into cooking, and started thinking it would be a better idea to just go to the store more frequently and buy what I was in the mood for that evening, so I would hit the store most nights after work to get just the things I needed. However overall I was spending much more than when I was only going every two weeks. I would buy all sorts of ingredients that I would only use once and they would go to waste, whereas before I was much better at using everything up first.
I try really hard not to grocery shop while on an empty stomach. However, I often times I find myself very hungry while browsing the foods and different aisles at the grocery store. I try very hard to stick to my grocery list. It not only helps me stay on budget but it also helps me from buying impulse purchases.
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