Do you use gloves when cooking?

21 Oct 2014
Local time
3:19 AM
Fresh out of talking about the washing of chicken or meat in general, I got to wondering if any or many of you use gloves when you are cooking. I can't say I remember when last I actually did this. Perhaps it was several years ago at school as a teenager. I did just a little bit of reading on the subject and there are some who suggest that it really is no safer than constantly washing your hands. What's your practice and how do you feel about the whole question of wearing gloves when cooking?
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But I frequently was my hands during food prep, especially when switching between the prep of meat & veggies for a salad. :wink:
If you wear gloves how often do you change them ? You can wash your hands in a few moments but gloves - you'd need a dozen pairs for every meal.
disposable gloves for dealing with chillies,and handling raw meats,i use rubber gloves often for handling cooked hot meats like shredding meat off a pigs head,has to be done hot .
my immediate action drill for cutting myself is stem the bleeding ,put a plaster on and then a disposable glove,as during service i am unable to completely deal with the injury,your hand sweats so its not ideal,
I do not use gloves. When handling meat, I make sure to keep it contained in one bowl or pan and when I'm done I wash my hands and everything I used with the meat right away and wipe the counter with hot soapy water just to be sure. I get my beef from family that raises it, so I don't have to worry much about that though, they were healthy animals and the butchers are very careful and clean. It's chicken that requires extra care.
The only time that I worn them was when I worked in the food service kitchens, such as the United Airlines flight kitchen. :wink:
I have never used gloves when preparing food. I have never even given it a thought. I do wash my hands fairly regularly when I am cooking though. I think this is the better way, since using gloves would mean changing them regularly also, and would turn out to be more expensive in the long run.
I have worn gloves to peel shrimp. I think there was a period where I was concerned about the iodine in them causing my hands to itch (my mother has that problem). There are probably times that I should wear gloves - I hate getting stuff under my fingernails (even more of a problem in the garden). I never prepare meats anymore though, so I don't really have to worry about that.
Interesting seeing the different responses. I am glad it brought the subject up. Even though I don't use them myself, I find when I am out eating in the mall and all this places, I feel more comfortable when I see those handling my food wearing gloves. The hair nets are also something I like to see when out but on my own, it's not likely to happen.
Interesting seeing the different responses. I am glad it brought the subject up. Even though I don't use them myself, I find when I am out eating in the mall and all this places, I feel more comfortable when I see those handling my food wearing gloves. The hair nets are also something I like to see when out but on my own, it's not likely to happen.
Interesting you mention people handling food in shopping malls. Now if we include fast food places sandwich bars etc. Have you also noticed how many of them also take in the money without removing or changing the gloves ? And cash money is about as cruddy as it gets. Check it out.
Interesting you mention people handling food in shopping malls. Now if we include fast food places sandwich bars etc. Have you also noticed how many of them also take in the money without removing or changing the gloves ? And cash money is about as cruddy as it gets. Check it out.

Oh yes I have. I have seen this many times especially when I travel. I always scope out the area to see how workers are doing business behind the counter.It usually determines where I eat.At home I usually don't like to see my food being prepared.They say what you don't see, can't bother you. Maybe there is some truth to this.
Interesting you mention people handling food in shopping malls. Now if we include fast food places sandwich bars etc. Have you also noticed how many of them also take in the money without removing or changing the gloves ? And cash money is about as cruddy as it gets. Check it out.
i always watch for this and was at a street market last week and no matter how many people was behind me they removed their gloves to take the money,so a lot of vendors do play by the rules
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