Egg Nog.


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
3:59 AM
Brighton, MA.
Egg nog time is not too far away now.

What do you do for egg nog? Do you like to make it yourself of just buy it? Whatever you do, it is a pretty delicious & delectable drink! It takes great skill to make it. I've never made it that I can remember.

But what is YOUR take on this luscious holiday drink? Do you like to spike it also? Most people use rum, vodka or brandy or even bourbon or whiskey. Hot, warm or cold. :wink:
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Do you know, I don't think I ever made it. It will be interesting to hear about it. I'm thinking you are meaning its a Christmas drink @Shermie - or perhaps just a drink for winter months.
Well, actually, it IS a Christmas drink, but it starts up for Thanksgiving through News Year's & it now returns for Easter.

Can you move this thread to the Holiday forum, please? Thanks. :wink:
My mom made a very thin but rich custard. Everybody got to add their own spice, cinnamon or nutmeg, and their own booze, rum, whisky, etc. My favorite way to drink it is as is. It's basically like drinking melted ice cream, except not quite as sweet. DD likes it that way too.
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