Frying bacon?


29 Mar 2015
Local time
5:02 PM
My husband makes bacon uncovered in the pan. It splatters the stove top and is such a greasy mess to clean. When I make it, I like covering it with a lid, which limits the mess. He states the bacon takes longer to get done and does not crisp as well. I really haven't noticed a difference. It may take longer to get done. I have not timed it though.

So does it matter if bacon has a lid or while cooking?

Also is microwaving bacon easy or better? If so, how do I arrange and for how long?

What is the proper or best way to get rid of bacon grease? Any ideas?
I don't think it really matters to be honest, but if you want to try a different way what about making bacon in the oven? Just line the baking sheet with some sort of aluminum foil (or with those silicon pads if you have it) and bake your bacon that way. It may be weird to get used to because it'll be sitting in its fat for some time, but it certainly decreases the splatter issue that you're talking about. Plus then you can use the stove/microwave for something else while the bacon is cooking :)
One of my brothers likes to do it in the oven. I also do it in the oven when I'm doing scallops wrapped in bacon.

But I only cook it halfway to get it around the scallops, then the rest of the way with the scallops.

Bacon CAN be cooked in a skillet on the stove with far less splattering of the grease. I like to do it low and slow on the stove! This does 3 things;
It helps keep the bacon from cooking too fast, which opens the door for burnt bacon. And it does NOT have the grease splattering as much, all over the place on the stove & countertops. And it won't make the bacon too crisp! it still has some flexibility to it. This has been a very well-proven method for me.
ABC123 have your husband try it this way. Chances are, that he'll probably NEVER go back to doing it the other way!! :wink:
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Dry cured smoked bacon for me , hot pan , and it seems not to spit
You can cook in the oven ,
I have loads of ways of making bacon crisps , pressing bacon between sheets of parchment and they involve the oven
I just use a normal skillet and have never had any issues with oil splattering. Maybe your husband has the heat on too high? Also...cook some eggs in that bacon grease! Delicious.
I don't fry my bacon at all. I bake it on a rack that's placed over a basic cookie sheet to catch the delicious fat for later use. They come out a perfect texture, I have the sweet lardy bacon fat, & they seem healthier. Seem being the keyword there.
I have never tried frying bacon covered, but it does sound like a good idea. I do agree that it would take a longer time to finish, but at the same time it would cut down on the amount of grease that is splattered on the stove top when it is fried opened. I like my bacon well done but not too crisp, so covering it would keep it from getting too dry while it would still be well cooked.
I actually experimented with bacon yesterday because I got a new large size frying pan with a fancy glass cover. I had to make green beans and bacon for the family Easter dinner and pulled out my new pan to do the work. I cut the bacon into pieces and then fried it in the pan with the lid covering it. I found that the bacon actually cooked quicker because the heat was evenly distributed in the pan, and trapped in because the lid was on. This particular pan lid has a vent hole in it so the condensation does not get trapped on the inside of the pan lid where it can drip back onto the food. Anyhow, the bacon turned out perfectly crisp and I did not have a mess on the stove to clean up.
I grill my bacon too. I'm just not keen on frying it, I find it leaves the meat too greasy. A nice grilled rasher of abck bacon (never streaky) for me and as sidevalve says, the frying pan is free to do eggs.
I still make my bacon in a frying pan despite how greasy it gets. If I am going to eat bacon, I might as well go all in. Many times I save the grease to fry my eggs in, which is equally as unhealthy, but makes a delicious Saturday morning breakfast.
For those of you who don't like to cook bacon, it also comes precooked. Just warm it in the microwave or in the oven.
I bought it before, and I usually warm it on the stove over very low heat in a skillet. :wink:
I still make my bacon in a frying pan despite how greasy it gets. If I am going to eat bacon, I might as well go all in. Many times I save the grease to fry my eggs in, which is equally as unhealthy, but makes a delicious Saturday morning breakfast.
I like the way you think. But I must admit when I fill the pan with eggs black pudding tomato mushrooms and maybe a hash brown [and a small slab of pease pudding] there isn't much room for the bacon.
Like you say - it's unhealthy but it is wonderful
PS nearly forgot the fried bread.
The restaurants where I work all cook their bacon in the oven. I decided to give it a try and now that's the only way I cook bacon. No more standing over a hot stove, minding the bacon whilst getting splattered with hot, spitting grease. I always seemed to get a glob of it right on my eyeglasses.
I would say that your partner is right about the crispiness of bacon. If you put the lid on the pan, you are basically steaming the bacon in its own juices. Leaving the lid off is the best way to get it crisp. If you are bothered about the mess, try grilling it instead and put some foil in the bottom of the grill tray that can easily be removed after cooking.
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