Recipe Gluten free Cardamom-Flavored Chocolate Pudding


Forum GOD!
17 Feb 2017
Local time
3:52 AM
Milano, Italy

Serves 4, Preparation time 5 mins, In the fridge for 3 hours

  • 500 ml soy milk
  • 90 g dark chocolate
  • 60 g rice flour
  • 40 g caster sugar
  • 5 pods of green cardamom


Cut the dark chocolate coarsely.

Shell the green cardamom pods, take the seeds inside, crush them slightly, put them in the milk and heat it without boiling. Leave seeds to infuse for 10 minutes. Then strain milk from the seeds and put it back on the heat.
Add the sugar and stir.

Sift the rice flour and add it to the milk a little at a time, stirring with a whisk to avoid the formation of lumps.

Turn off the heat, add chocolate, stir until it is completely melted.

Take the moulds, wet them with cold water and pour in the mixture. This will not be necessary if you use ceramic ramekins or glasses.

Allow to cool down at room temperature, then refrigerate them for at least 3 hours.

After this time, turn the pudding upside down on the plate.

Tip: if you can’t turn them easily, stick the tip of a wooden stick with the tip of a knife on the side to let some air in so that it will come off easily, maybe helping you by giving a dry blow on the top of the mould.
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