Have you tried spaghetti squash instead of spagetti?

Yes, I bought a pasta machine a couple of years ago. Don't use it that often but when I make the effort it is well worth it Have a recipe somewhere for ravioli filled with pumpkin puree. Sage leaves figured in it too. Will try and find it.
I know of pumpkin (or squash) with amaretto biscuits (a fairly common combo). Sage also loves pumpkin or squash...
That's a new use for amaretto biscuits for me! Recipe required ☺
Here is one of many such recipes. I think it was your mention of sage which brought it to mind:
You can also just crumble amaretto biscuits over squash when roasting in the oven. Amaretto flavouring is made from apricot kernels (the inner part). They taste quite like almonds. You can also make your own 'amaretto' seasoning by crushing the inner kernels of apricots in a pestle and mortar or spice grinder.

Caution: If you eat too many apricot kernels you can get cyanide poisoning! But you do need to eat quite a lot.
I'm not personally a fan. My husband has celiac disease though and this is one of the healthier options as even most gluten free pasta is full of refined sugar and other nasty stuff. He loves it though and it opens up a pasta option for him.
I tried it, but to be honest, did not care for it. It did in fact shred up very easily, and it sort of looked like short strands of spaghetti - albeit with an orange hue. But I couldn't get past the taste, texture and smell of it - none of which were like real pasta. It still had a bit of a crunch to it, despite roasting it for a really long time. The taste was somewhat carrot-like, but sort of "chalky" as well. Not to mention, buying spaghetti squashes in place of pasta can get rather expensive, especially if you are using as a substitute for it and eat pasta regularly. It's also a bit difficult to cut in half when raw. Plus it takes much longer to cook than regular pasta.
I'm a huge fan of it myself. Though my boyfriend hates it. I love the fact that I can roast it up before hand and then make the spaghetti later. It's great with some spinach it it and some parmesan cheese just by itself. I usually add pine nuts or other kinds of nuts for a crunch. I even added some crispy bacon to it sometimes. Great meal idea and cheap for me too.
I have used spaghetti squash before, it's very good. You can replace your regular spaghetti with it and have it with. My favorite way to enjoy it is, once it's cooked, I put a little bit of butter on it and sprinkle some parmesan cheese and pepper. It does take longer to cook than pasta but it is delicious so to me it's worth it. However, it's not something I eat as often as pasta, because even if it is worth it, the pasta is just much more convenient. Plus there's the fact that I'm the only one in the house that eats it.
I have used spaghetti squash before, it's very good. You can replace your regular spaghetti with it and have it with. My favorite way to enjoy it is, once it's cooked, I put a little bit of butter on it and sprinkle some parmesan cheese and pepper. It does take longer to cook than pasta but it is delicious so to me it's worth it. However, it's not something I eat as often as pasta, because even if it is worth it, the pasta is just much more convenient. Plus there's the fact that I'm the only one in the house that eats it.

The way you prep it with parmesan cheese and pepper with a tiny bit of butter is precisely how I love to eat it too! I feel like it's great on it's own usually and don't need any big portions of meat to go with it. I love having it with some stir fried broccoli and carrots! When I buy one huge squash, that lasts me a while too since every one else thinks I'm strange for liking that stuff.
Haha @aquaticneko you're not strange for liking it. But you're right, when I buy a big squash it does last me a while. I've never thought to add stir fried vegetables to it but it makes sense and would be very good. I'll definitely give that a try next time. I quite agree though, it is great on it's own and you usually don't need to add anything to it.
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