How do we communicate?

Interestingly, I also agree that it is not an infallible method and those who think the opposite are wrong, precisely because punctuation is an area of writing where it is difficult to establish, and therefore follow, precise rules. It is certainly necessary to know it, or at least to remember its basics.

Especially because many choices are stylistic in nature and therefore strictly personal, even when they are unaware. And I also add that it is a bit like music, it's a matter of ear.

Anyway, this should not be an alibi. Especially at work. The way we write is important, reflects how we think and how we act. Our writing gives a precise message to the recipient and is not a negligible detail at all.

Then there are narrative styles that do not include punctuation because it is considered as a sort of obstacle to free inner thought, to the monologue with oneself ... why does this remind me of Joyce?
I have an extremely difficult time processing a sentence that's missing the expected punctuation. It becomes a jumbled mass of unrelated words in my brain, and I'm not able to get any meaning out of it.

Let's just say, there's a lot on the internet I skip over. :)
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The punctuation debate never fails to remind me of the old favourite:

1) Those things over there are my husband's.
2) Those things over there are my husbands'.
3) Those things over there are my husbands.

Nice. And also useful for me as an exercise for the English.
Yes, I know I have an impeccable English by now, but you know how it is, we perfectionists are like that
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Text messages are a minefield for me, as I know of someone who misreads practically everything I write, and she's the type to be offended, so I have to re-word what I put, and it's not easy as I'm not particularly articulate, and my opinions don't matter a whit to her. So I have to literally think first and imagine it as a rehearsal.

Text messages are a minefield for me, as I know of someone who misreads practically everything I write, and she's the type to be offended, so I have to re-word what I put, and it's not easy as I'm not particularly articulate, and my opinions don't matter a whit to her. So I have to literally think first and imagine it as a rehearsal.


Oh dear, yes, it really sounds as a minefield for you...
Text messages are a minefield for me, as I know of someone who misreads practically everything I write, and she's the type to be offended, so I have to re-word what I put, and it's not easy as I'm not particularly articulate, and my opinions don't matter a whit to her. So I have to literally think first and imagine it as a rehearsal.

Oh dear, yes, it really sounds as a minefield for you...
I know..... *sigh*
When you play golf with good golfers your game gets better. Like any sport.
No, you won’t be Tiger Woods but you improve.

When you converse with with people that are hep in English, those that are good with words and communication it’s the same thing, you get better at it too.

Casey Neistat, Sir Richard Branson, Wonderhussy, Sir Paul and others I could go on mentioning are good examples in the media.
They are sharp when they communicate and demonstrate what a precision and interesting language and most excellent for communicating English can be.

Being witty is a plus. Flows well with English.
I think the Brits invented that too.
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About 2002 my son and I visited Pismo Beach Ca.
We stayed at a 1950’s shop worn but clean Motel that was staffed by girls exiting the States prison system.
We didn’t know this. The indoor heated swimming pool, cheap rate and decent parking are why we booked it.

One of the first trips I ever posted on a travel forum site telling about our interaction with the staff.

The girls staffing the motel spent their lives suffering indignities. Maybe some self inflicted but most as a result of a bad environment they were born into. Not dealt a good hand at birth.

From that experience I learned how the written word can be understood much different than the spoken word. One can make enemies quick if you don’t word it all proper.

Some readers took it as condescending, some took it as a sincere, butt naked truth but fun descriptions of our experiences, some loved it and booked a trip there.

I meant it to be a positive adventure we just happened upon but some didn’t see it that way.

It was an eye opener.
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About 2002 my son and I visited Pismo Beach Ca.
We stayed at a 1950’s shop worn but clean Motel that was staffed by girls exiting the States prison system.
We didn’t know this. The indoor heated swimming pool, cheap rate and decent parking is why we booked it.

One of the first trips I ever posted on a travel forum site telling about our interaction with the staff.

The girls staffing the motel spent their lives suffering indignities. Maybe some self inflicted but most as a result of a bad environment they were born into. Not dealt a good hand at birth.

From that experience I learned how the written word can be understood much different than the spoken word. One can make enemies quick if you don’t word it all proper.

Some readers took it as condescending, some took it as a sincere, butt naked truth but fun descriptions of our experiences, some loved it and booked a trip there.

I meant it to be a positive adventure we just happened upon but some didn’t see it that way.

It was an eye opener.

Lol, you just reminded me, I was in a big hotel in surfers paradise 3 years ago, with my wife and her friend. They were at a conference and I got a freebie. Anyway we were leaving the room one morning and I was ready early and waited outside the rooms door. A cleaner was waiting to clean our room. I talked to her for 10 mins about stuff in general. Asking how her day was. Then my wife and her friend came out and saw us talking. The lady went inside to do our room, we went to the elevator then my wife's friend asked me why I was talking to a cleaner. Then my wife said, he talks to everyone, and I mean everyone. My wife's friend is a bit snooty.
I laughed because the rest of the time the cleaner left extra goodies in our room every morning.

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